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my dad works with an umpire. this umpires father also umpires. well the guy my dad works with told him his dad had a weird play in his game and they didnt know an answer for it. there was a guy on first, next guy gets a single advancing runner from first to third. alledgedly missed 2nd. the pitcher intentionally walks batter without throwin a pitch because IHSA rules say you can just tell the ump to put the batter on. now theres bases loaded and the pitcher wants to appeal the runner on third missed second. whats the call??
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8.2.5 SITUATION B: With two outs, B3 misses first base on his way to second. With B4 up to bat, the defensive coach requests to walk him intentionally. The plate umpire grants the request. The coach then appeals B3’s missed base for the third out. RULING: The inning continues with B3 on second and B4 on first base. Once the request for the intentional base on balls to B4 was granted, the defense can no longer appeal B3’s baserunning error.

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