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I agree with the hysteria being unfortunate...illegal steroid use is a problem that should be approached not unlike any other problem. At least the hysteria has brought the problem to the attention of the public. Now that we know the problem exists we must get started with the long, hard task of dealing with this scourge.

It is my opinion that education can certainly play a major role in discouraging the illegal use of steroids...and the HSBBW is ideally structured and placed to help with the effort.

Can we all agree that steroid use is bad and speak out against their use...always?
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Chairman are you suggesting that they test for steroids in HS? Would you not consider drugs such as cocaine and marijuana to be just as dangerous if not more? What about a breath test before each game for alcohol use? Are you going to test each sport tennis basketball track football etc etc for steroid use and other illegal drugs? If thats the case lets test the band as well. Dont stop there we have got to test those cheerleaders thats a sport isn't it? And we cant treat athletes differently than the other students that would not be fair lets test every student every month for steroids and other illegal substances. Lets search their person , car and locker everyday as well because they might be bringing something into the school. What is this a police state that you want? You handle it the way it should be on a case by case basis. If you have a kid that shows signs of illegal substance abuse you bring him in and you deal with him. You educate kids you talk to kids and as a parent that is YOUR job. As a coach I have heard rumors about certain players using marijuana in the past. I bring them in I talk to them and I tell thim that it will not be tolerated if it is going on. If I smell it on or about there person or if I have a witness that actually saw it happening then I would take it to the next level. TESTING in HS for steroids? Whats next after that?

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