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Originally posted by TRhit:

If I were a pitcher and had a batter wearing the armor he would "dance" away from inside pitches with every pitch I threw.

As a pitcher I would take offense to the armor being worn by ANY batter.

Go right ahead, he isn't intimidated. Besides, you'll have to face him before the game is over...

Pitcher miss sometimes. And if that miss hits the throwing elbow, he is done pitching for that game. And perhaps for more than one. Just common sense for the throwing elbow to have some protection.

When he switch hit, he never wore an elbow protector when batting right handed since it was not the throwing elbow being exposed.
There is nothing wrong with elbow guards. Heck, years ago players did not wear helmets either, and now they wear them with ear flaps. Years ago guys did not wear batting gloves. Years ago players wore baggy wool pants. Years ago the players wore crummy little gloves that were next to useless. Times have changed, and players now wear elbow pads to protect their elbow from wild pitchers.

In a 2-2 HS game bottom of 6 you would pitch inside to hitters with elbow pads to move them off the plate? You might lose after you put those guys on base.

What about the hitters that are coached to stand on the plate to take the CB away or get hit and walk to first.

we lost two big games because their coach got his guys up on the plate first. I don't like it either but some coaches go to the game expecting 2-3 runners coming from being hit
What about batters that stand way off the plate and get hit, fractures their elbow and ends the rest of their season? (Happened to my 05' son last summer) Lucky it was his non-throwing arm

I'm for elbow protection unless the batter is using it so he can crowd the plate. My younger son is a switch hitter and does not crowd the plate. His throwing arm is exposed when he bats left which is the majority of the time.

Some obviously use it to gain advantage. They can get drilled and they deserve it.
Last edited by wvmtner

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