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Bear with me... this does have something to do with baseball...

So I wrote a book! Yay, me! It's "women's fiction" about a divorced mom's first summer with her 9-year-old son playing travel baseball. It's a comedy... how could it not be?

I've been trying to find an agent, but not getting a lot of interest. Those who have read it say it's well written but they just don't identify with the protagonist.

Most agents are single women living in NYC, so I'm not surprised they can't identify with her.

If only I could find someone who has a child in competitive sports, who knows how funny/crazy/obsessive it can be...

So I thought I'd come here and see if anyone could help? Please PM me if you can.

If not, I'll be back in a few months begging you to buy my self-published book!

I hope everyone's sons had a great fall ball!
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Originally posted by LHPMom2012:

Most agents are single women living in NYC, so I'm not surprised they can't identify with her.

I wouldn't doubt they could not identify with most things in life, other than the superficial and narcissistic(think Real Housewives of whatever city).

Contact me in a few days as I know a baseball mom who has a column, and she will probably know what direction to steer you in.
Last edited by Vector
Reminds me of the "Romantic Subplot" that was getting created by one of the hot moms on a 12U travel team down here once. Only she wasn't divorced...yet. Coach was single, though...the team's first hired gun.

The poop hit the fan when the beer started flowing at the post-season pool party, and it was discovered by one of the single moms, who thought she had legitimately been exchanging romance for playing time. Then the hair-pulling ensued.

THAT was great comedy...
Last edited by wraggArm
LHP... 1st off, I'd love to read it (and dang, i hope she's hot).
2nd; I had an agent for a while but she never did get the darn thing sold...(then lost interest, she didn't make a dime off me) so the two books I put on Amazon I did myself. Kindall publishing is like You Tube for writers. It cost me $5 for cover art and the rest was free. Of course I hope a few people will read and like the books... I think they'd make great Disney movies but i'm dreaming...

anyway... good luck on your venture.

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