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The sad saga of Manny Ramirez continues as according to ESPN he was jailed and released on $2500 bond for striking his wife and causing her to fall and hit her head against the bed's headboard. He stated that he merely "shrugged" her although I think he meant he "slugged" her. Something was apparently lost in the translation since in times of stress Manny often forgets how to speak English.
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Stuff like this is just plain perplexing! In Manny's case I guess you need not wonder; "what was he thinking" cuz we all know Manny is from some other planet and doesn't think like we do, or at all!

Man, he sure could hit (a baseball) though... BUT THIS? Down goes the framed signed picture of my son with Manny and his wife that we got in Fort Myers one year. I need to check and see if it's even the same woman?
In Manny's case, thinking is a stretch...

When you get caught using steriods twice, get asked to take an MRI on your ailing knee and can't tell the technician which knee is hurting, have other injuries you can't explain, have multiple month's paychecks in your locker (making $20m/y) and don't have time to go to the bank, have many grandparents pass away within a two year period, have to visit the wall at Fenway to pee (no bathroom that I know of) on pitching changes. The cuteness of "Many being Many" wears off quickly.

Pretty soon, citizen "Many" is a just another weird rich guy and given ten more years, he'll be just another weird guy.
Fenwaysouth -

He could definitely hit. He could REALLY hit, he could hit like few others. He just was a royal pain in the ***, as you said. He took the short route to "taking care of the body" and it ended his career too early.

I also don't miss his act. I was working with a die hard Cleveland fan when he signed with Boston and his comment was, "He can hit, but he's dumb as a rock". He had Many nailed.

I forgot to mention, punching the 60+ year old traveling secretary when a last minute request for 30+ tickets in Houston couldn't be satisfactorally resolved. I guess we could chalk that one up to 'roid rage', so maybe it shouldn't count.
Last edited by JMoff

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