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I was told night before last that I only get 1 appeal per play. Can't find such a rule in the rulebook (NFHS). Here's the situation: swing and foul tip - umpired called neither one. I asked to appeal the foul tip since I thought it was obvious. Base ump said "I did not hear a foul tip, but I have a swing." After the inning, I went to the plate ump (I thought he might have felt his partner had shown him up) and said "well, that was my next question anyway." He said, "nope, you only get one." If this is true, can someone reference a rule # for me???
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This is not an appeal in the true sense of the word and in any case you don't only get one per play. 8-2-6(f) states multiple appeals are permitted as long as they do not make a travesty of the game.

The catcher could have appealed the swing where as the PU should go to the BU and see if he had a swing.

I am not sure why you as the Defensive coach inquired about the foul tip? What was the count?
I'm not sure what you are saying you only get one of. Naturally you only get ne swing appeal per pitch but thee is no limit in the game. Now real appeals, leaving early/missed bases, the rulebook says you can appeal the same one twice. That is a little misleading, if you throw to a base to appeal and it goes out of play, appeal is done. If you overthrow and it gets by the fielder, he can get it and finish the appeal. With bases loaded you can get ten appeals.
Originally posted by JMW37:
I am not sure why you as the Defensive coach inquired about the foul tip? What was the count?

2 strike count and catcher caught the ball.

What difference does it make if he swung and missed or it was a foul tip? It is a strike in either case. The first appeal just needs to be if he went. Of course the catcher caught the ball...You did say it was a foul tip.
Originally posted by NavyUmp:
What difference does it make if he swung and missed or it was a foul tip?

Not a bit of difference. The issue was that it was a "check swing" and a foul tip. Always leery of the fact that there is no definition of the former, so I appealed the latter since I assumed everyone heard it. Had that appeal not gone my way, I would have appealed the swing.

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