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OK, so a lot of ML baseball players loaf to first on a ground ball or pop-up.

Back in the day (1880-1960) this could land you on the bench. Long term, multi-million dollar contracts have changed all that.

That is both sad and dissapointing to the average fan, especially when the ball is booted or wind aided and the loafer is thrown out anyway! I'll admit this is a low percentage happening.

But why can't these highly paid modern ballplayer's show some hustle and...some good example to our kids?

Ramirez, who was thrown out easily at 3rd base yesterday (with no outs in the inning), loafed all the way down the 1st base line and turned it on only after he saw the ball hit the wall.

His comments..."I didn't think I hit the ball well".... "A lot of guy's don't run hard" "It only looked bad because of the way we're playing".... "Guys get thrown out everyday"..... "Somebody gets thrown out for us and it looks big because we're not scoring any runs"

No kidding Sherlock! And to my surprise Baker attempted to cover for him.

When you go to the ballpark with your son, be sure to point this guy out and let him know that he is a virus infecting the team. He and his comments are exactly what we DON'T want our kids to emulate.

It will be easy to find him, he's the selfish one at 3rd base that cares only about himself!
Original Post

As long as you have owners that are willing to keep paying "players" like Ramirez, nothing will change. And, I'm also willing to bet that Ramirez is bummed-out at the way the team is playing. But, because he gets paid so well, and that he doesn't have to ride-the-bench at all, he figures that it's not his fault, but everyone elses!!!!!

The manager needs to pull the team together as one unit, on-the-same-page, to get over this reaally bad time. Look at what Leyland has done in Detroit, Girardi in Florida. "Do you want play, or sit?" Those are my thoughts!!! Baker is either to dumb, or to lazy, or to stupid to realize that his method of managing does not work!!!!! He proved that during the world series with the Giants, against the Angels, and then again against the Marlins in 03. You put a team on the field that will win, veteran or a rookie. Even our high school coach tried different level players until he found the right combination, chemistry, hunger, success!

I grew-up at 47th and Western on the southside, and remember the '59 air raid sirens that Mayor Daley set-off. I'm not a 'bandwagon' fan, and don't wish any ill will toward the Cubs. I want to see both teams successful, but something has got to change.

Like the Bill Wirtz Blackhawks, maybe it's time for fans to stay away for a while. Don't spend the money. See what happens. The Sox even went through poor attendance for many years, but nope, you Cub fans still chose to go and visit those losers. Yes, Wrigley Field is a shrine, but for what, the corporate ticket holders who don't even watch the game, let alone get there before game time. O-o-o-ps, I forgot there the Cubs. I really do respect loyalty, but enough is enough!!!

Last edited by BoomerIL

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