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and see NCAA Division I Bylaw 30.11.7 for baseball calendar formula)

13.02.4 Contact and Evaluation Periods Contact Period. A contact period is that period of time when it is permissible for authorized
athletics department staff members to make in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts and evaluat
ions. Evaluation Period. An evaluation period is that period of time when it is permissible for
authorized athletics department staff members to be involved in off-campus activities designed to
assess the academic qualifications and playing ability of prospects. No in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts shall be made with the prospect during an evaluation period. Quiet Period. A quiet period is that period of time when it is permissible to make in-person recruiting contacts only on the member institution’s campus. No in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts or evaluations may be made during the quiet period. Dead Period. A dead period is that period of time when it is not permissible to make in-person
recruiting contacts or evaluations on or off the member institution’s campus or to permit official or
unofficial visits by prospects to the institution’s campus. The provision of complimentary admissions to
a prospect during a dead period is prohibited, except as provided in Bylaw for a prospect who visits an institution as part of a group. During such a dead period, a coaching staff member may not serve as a speaker at or attend a meeting or banquet at which prospects are in attendance, except as provided in Bylaw, and may not visit the prospects’ educational institutions. It remains per-missible, however, for an institutional staff member to write or telephone prospects during such a dead period. (Revised: 1/11/94)

NCAA Division I Baseball Recruiting Calendar (2007)
August 1, 2006 - July 31, 2007

(See NCAA Division I Bylaw 30.11.7 for baseball calendar formula)

The dates in this calendar reflect the application of Bylaw 30.11 at the time of publication but are subject to change per Constitution or if certain dates (e.g., National Letter of Intent signing dates) are altered.

Contact/Evaluation Period: In team sports, an institution uses an evaluation for each prospect participating in a practice or contest observed by a coach, even if a contact is made during the same day.

Quiet Period: Only in-person, on-campus contact is permissible. Note: The January 8th quiet period begins at 12:02 a.m.

Dead Period: In-person, on- or off-campus contacts and evaluations, official and unofficial visits are
prohibited. The January dead period begins on Jan 4 at 12:01 a.m. and ends Jan 8 at 12:01 a.m.
Last edited by Bear
Dead period. The college coach may not have any in-person
contact with you or your parents at any time in the dead period.
The coach may write and telephone you or your parents during
this time.

Quiet period: September 1 - 13
Contact period: September 14 – 30

Contact period: October 1 – 31
Contact period: November 1 - 11;
Dead period: November 12 - 15
Quiet period: November 16 - 30
Quiet period: December 1 - 31
Basically it was done to give the coaches/recruiters a break. The dates reflect the time periods when student athlete arrive on campus, the start of fall practice, the early signing period, holidays and the national convention. Keep in mind that coaches are invited to hundreds of showcases, tournaments and camps. Their schedule can be overwhelming at times.
Originally posted by jbbaseball:
Coaches may write or call during the quiet period. (Confirmed via another thread I started and checking the brochure NCAA Guidelines for the College Bound Student Athlete).

Everyone should download a copy of the NCAA Guidelines for the College Bound Student Athlete. It will clarify many of your questions about the recruiting process. You can find it here:!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMn...oundStudent-Athletes
Last edited by KnightTime
Originally posted by rbinaz:
The Quiet Period this year runs from 11-16-07 to 2-28-08.
The significance is that D1 coaches cannot be off camopus doing scouting/evaluation or recruiting.

However college coaches seem to be allowed to participate as “instructors” in camps that are off campus during the quiet period. I'm sure there is no scouting/evaluation or recruiting happening during those camps Wink

One of the best things my son did as a sophomore and junior was to attend a camp series that a local baseball academy puts on at their indoor facility. Over 30 D1 schools attended over a 4 week period. No official recruiting was going on however I do think quite a few names were jotted down to be contacted after the dead period was over.
Last edited by jerseydad
Originally posted by jerseydad:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by rbinaz:
The Quiet Period this year runs from 11-16-07 to 2-28-08.
The significance is that D1 coaches cannot be off camopus doing scouting/evaluation or recruiting.


My reply to rbianz post was meant to be regarding the Quiet period, not the Dead period. Sorry about that. I'll go back and edit it.
Last edited by jerseydad

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