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I had a small glimmer of hope for 2017 possibly getting rated "Follow" after two PG tournaments this year (early summer and second one a few weeks ago - All Tourny lists for both pitching and hitting at both).  Was wondering if the majority of the rankings, particularly "Follow" and High Follow", for 2015 have been set, understanding that the top tier (1-400) are still getting looked at at some of the more elite events.  Currently do not have any more PG events planned for 2015 and can only assume 2017 missed out and will have to try to break into the rankings next year.



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Updates are ongoing. Some are updated immediately while others take more time for our people to rank.   The individual showcases are much easier, a lot fewer players and much more scouting information along with grade.  So often those are added first. Over the course of the summer we see close to 100,000 players in the tournaments. That takes some time to determine a ranking for those players.

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