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Finally some common sense. No one is right or wrong all the time. Parents undoubtly can be a negative influence on a team and a dividing factor. To those parents they need to go where they think things are better. Nobody needs a divided team.
However, they are not always wrong and it is how you go about trying to make things better that matters. I'm not sure how that should be. I think going to an A/D is extreme, there has to be a better way. If a player has a problem then he needs to address it with the coach. Not during or after a game but when things are calm and maybe just maybe a good coach will listen. I beleive there was a coach on another post recently that said he learned all the time from his players. That is the one I want my son playing for, one who can accept a little give and take. Knowing of course he has the final say but what harm is it to listen. Things just might get better.
The very definition of how to suck up, no matter how humorously you tried to pass it off.

...its only " official " suck-up ( for lack of a less crude word ) if the Coach allows it to work. Wink

I see no harm with humor,...or with brownies! Big Grin
....and a sparkly personality and a smile in the crowd is a plus in my book.

Doesn't mean I'm going to allow your kid more priveledges over another kid,...but I'm certainly not going to run when I see you coming.
Last edited by shortstopmom
while i agree nobody is always right or wrong. and i think kids need to deal with their own problems up to a certain level,abuse etc. but when and if a parent feels the need to talk to the coach about a problem, the player should be there.i've found the players are often surprised at the parents complaint.
Last edited by 20dad

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