In a word, yes.
Gas in the suburban Chicago area hovers around $4.00 a gallon, in the city it is much more, due to local taxes.
My daughters play travel
softball. We are car-pooling as much as we can to drive to out-of-town tournaments. No sense in 12 cars from generally the same area driving the same hundreds of miles to the same place at the same time. Not only does this same money, it also saves oil....doin' our part to save the planet.
They will play more local games than otherwise scheduled---and will play in the next age bracket for the competition, rather than driving distances. We are lucky to live in a large metro area with a bunch of teams at all levels.
Two weeks ago, they were scheduled to be in a tournament about 65 miles away---not so bad, as travel ball goes. But the forecast was for wind, rain, and very cold temps. In past years, the normal operating procedure would be to drive to the field, wait around for hours to see if the weather conditions would change--it wouldn't--the directors would cancel the tournament and we would go home--having wasting the day, time, and money. This time, the tourney was postponed --the night before--to the following week, and the fees were refunded if that week was not available to any team.
Although you can't buy playing time
, there is a cost to seeing your off-spring play. And I liked it better when it was a dollar-something a gallon instead of 4. I sure wish that we could find teams with very generous sponsors!