I love this website--lots of excellent perspective and information!
I'm looking for help sifting the fact from the fiction about the need for travel ball in younger age players.
I have a nine year old who got drafted to a LL majors team last spring. He switch hits well, has a good arm (throws left), rarely strikes out and rarely makes fielding errors. He also played some travel ball, though we felt year round throwing was too much and that the money was better spent learning solid fundamentals. Based on his current skills, we think we made the right choice.
At the same time, we're getting conflicting opinions about the need for travel ball. Some people say you have to play at the early ages to be able to get to the next level and others say work on his academics and fundamentals instead. I have a very motivated and goal oriented son and I would just like to make sure we're not skipping something important if he doesn't play travel ball. Our plan had been to return to travel ball after LL is over.
Has anyone been through this? If so, I'd appreciate knowing your experience.
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