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FC, it has been a running joke on the site about the sport of Commie Football. Though my daughter was a college scholarship athlete in that discipline, somehow the visual of a sport where nobody uses their hands and run around with no apparent purpose is somehow offensive to people who love baseball and the inherent domination of hand to eye co-ordination of baseball. Big Grin

I am personally somehow offended at the apparent one-sided defensive rules in Commie Football. If you lose your man and get free it is off sides? How about making the defenders play defense. Interesting concept. If they would change the rule, maybe the scoring would increase and it would not be a snoozefest. Wink
My roommate in college was a huge s****r fan, and I never gave him the time of day. Spring break of my freshman year, I visted him and his family in London, England (He was from overseas). He took me to see an Arsenal game in London and I've loved the game ever since. The spanish league is much more free flowing and asthetically pleasing. The passing is beautiful, and there are more goals generally than the English leagueIf I was starting to watch s****r, the Spanish league woud not be a bad place to start!

I think people in America dont like s****r for the same reason people in England dont care for baseball: they havent been exposed to it enough. If you havent played it or watched it significantly, its hard to appreciate the intricacies of both games that make them beautiful.
Harrison pitched a great 8 inning shut out against Tampa Bay tonight! Defensive play of the game was an amazing snag over the wall by Hamilton in center. That was the closest TB came to scoring. Kinsler ended up being the only needed run when he hit the game's first pitch into the left field seats.

It was fun again!
Last edited by collikar
Originally posted by collikar:
Harrison pitched a great 8 inning shut out against Tampa Bay tonight! Defensive play of the game was an amazing snag over the wall by Hamilton in center. That was the closest TB came to scoring. Kinsler ended up being the only needed run when he hit the game's first pitch into the left field seats.

It was fun again!

Actually it was the first pitch of the bottom of the first inning. I thought you knew that since you were sitting beside me at the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. Cool Pay attention, woman! Eek
Originally posted by Maverick0714:
tycho... I think my dog has extra room in his doghouse if you need a place to stay for awhile...

How about Hamilton getting intentionally walked last night with the bases loaded? Don't see often.

If it isn't for that quote above, I will be in the doghouse for something, so keep it open for me... Cool

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