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Natural he never returned a one of the questioniares, I found out later. He told me he had. I even helped him write follow up letters to the coaches. He never sent them. He later told us he was thru after his senior season of high school ball. After I ran into one of the college coach's we had sent a letter too. It took awhile to sink in that what I thought we had been doing since he was twelve and he thought where two different things. As since he has told me he played all those years of select summer ball and summer school ball for me and not himself. After a wonderful senior year of leading some of the area's offensive stats he decided he wanted to continue to play in college. Me and his mother where both surprized and happy with the decision, we scrambled and found June tryouts at Junior Colleges he attented and got offers. He decided to walk on at a very competative Junior College program, and had a good fall but was red shirted and quit at mid-term. My best advise is be honest with yourself about your sons ablility and his desires to continue to play beyond high school. After its all been over with for awhile I look back and see signs I should have picked up on. All I can do is hopefully do a better job of directing my other two boys.Sorry for the length of response.

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