Soxnole, you are a father most likely in his 40's or 50's, who has taken the time to make 779 posts on a HIGH SCHOOL baseball web site. I only hope that I can be that special some day.
I hear your son is great, and I am not trying to say that you are propping him up, but let his talent speak for itself! Who cares if one guy at a particular showcase didnt see your son or think he was the best! I cant believe a guy of your age would argue with an 18 year old kid over what he was alluding to over questiong your motive in annomously talking about how your son was so great?
You can question whatever you want, but what i am is someone who just ended their baseball career after playing for 13 years, from little league, through travel, and up to Varsity baseball. I dont Allude to anything, except trying to call things as i see them. I dont know half as much as a lot of you guys on this site, but I call things the way i see them, and give my opinions on topics that I feel i can contribute too. I am no expert, and not the most experienced palyer, but I feel that if a player is good enough, he doesnt need his mommy or daddy to come on a web site and talk about how good he is.
Soxnole, you arent the only one who has done it, and I am not trying to call you out or anything, all I was saying is that you dont need to talk about how great your son is, when he has the talent that he does. If he is being recruited by FSU, or whatever, thenthat is awesome, he probably doesnt need you to tell us how great he is then.
Also, just so you know, a lot of moms and dads asses their sons talents as more then it is. I know your case is different, however, many times the assesment is off.