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I've been workin on my pitching mechanics for quite some time now and every little adjustment I make has a certain feel to it.
A big problem I've been having though is when it comes to the acceleration of the arm.
Should it feel like my body is pushing or pulling the arm??
I know it sounds very unspecific but this is pretty much the best I can do to explain my situation.
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yes Breadman, understand perfectly!

And yes again, if your doing the right things mechanically, it will feel like your body, especially lowerbody, is pulling upperbody through after foundation is laid>In other words,
hips and lower body should lead in the process of throwing and creates torque which creates armspeed acceleration. Wink

Sounds like your already there though applaude

What part of Germany are you from?

Would it be south Germany by any chance?

Shep Cares
yes I "normally" live in Tuebingen near stuttgart
Right now I play for sparta highschool in Michigan as an exchange student though.

I was worried that if I'd drag my arm to much that it will come in late and the force created by my hips has very little effect as my hips are already suqared to the plate even though my arm is still a little behind.
If your arm/shoulder is dragging too much it could be attributed to opening up frontside to much in toe touch area.

If your lead foot is too open, the hips will be too.

Would suggest trying to keep front side closed a little longer and make sure lead foot lands in toe to heel fashion and closed in 45 degree angle. Look at pitcher's front foot posted by me earlier here today. The topic is Robert Stock here in this forum. Ck his front foot out and work on landing toe-to-heel/45'angle and that arm/shoulder should stop dragging. Pitching instructor would charge you for that info but with Shep it will never cost you a penny, ever.

Good luck here in the states, some of my ancestors come from south Germany in Hamon. Smile

Shep Cares
Last edited by Shepster
Interesting you asked>

One of my direct line grandfathers on my mothers side served the Royal Palace of the St. Alban's Court as a Knight or Defender of the castle back around the time of William the Conquerer. My great grandfather and his family were from South Germany and he eventually became Lead Knight for several Kings and was one helluva warrior from passed down written accounts and documents we have found in our research. Several of his sons also served St. Alban's Court and received much praise for performance in the trenches-LOL I mean the battlefield. duel

Appreciate you asking about 'em! Smile

the only thing I can see under the topic "robert stock" in this forum is :

How would you like to see this determined face while getting ready to try and catch up with a mid 90s FB. Shep surrenders!!!!!!! RS wins!!!!

Just kidding but glad I didn't have to get past him when in HS to get to next level. Might not be sitting here typing this message today.....

All kidding aside though, this 2007 RHP/Catcher
has Shep's attention and no other player since James Barthmaier of Roswell HS in 2003 has gained my attention like this player and think it would be safe to say Shep is officially on his bandwagon and look forward to watching his team's progress this season. Good Day, Shep
Just click my last reply in Robert Stock thread in this forum of pitching and throwing

After you do this Breadman, you have to also scale up with arrow on side of screen, may I add, right side of screen.

Know your knew but be patient lad. Took me a long time to become accomplished here and I'm a schoolteacher-LOL


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