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My arm has been hurting sometimes in my shoulder sometimes in my elbow but mainly in my bicep. I play 12's I catch and play outfield and I have a tournament this weekend so I need something that is quick. And I have iced and it hurts after I throw and during practice and games please help thank you.
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You're 12? You need to tell your parents and your coach. Continuing pain in your shoulder and elbow means you are either over-doing it or maybe have a problem with your throwing motion. Lot's of things can go wrong in those joints and, at your age, in the growth plates in your bones.

Don't play hurt. As important as you think this weekend's tournament is, would you trade it for six or more months of not playing at all? That is the kind of choice you may be making. You won't know if you don't get it checked out first.
Last edited by '15 Dad
You won't like this advice, but I would shut it down and get it checked out. One part of developing as a player is learning to listen to your body. If you take a few days off and it still hurts, the best thing to do would be to see a doctor who works with athletes.

Once your arm is better you may want to have someone take a good look at your mechanics. If your elbow is hurting you may be doing something wrong. My son is a catcher and he used to throw too much with his arm, using his elbow. Sometimes his elbow hurt, and eventually he irritated his biceps tendon. Improved mechanics, lots of time in the weight room, and better arm conditioning have helped him immensely.

Good luck.
Rest for a week. If the pain persists see a sports orthopedic specialist. Find out where the local pro baseball team sends their players. Find out if they take your insurance plan. When my son was treated it was by the same doctor the pros see.

If you go to your pediatrician he will tell you to take Advil and rest for 4-6 weeks because he doesn't know athletes and will be careful for legal reasons.
Last edited by RJM
From our experience, I recommend that you skip a trainer and go to the Doc. Son's arm was hurting last year (not from baseball) and I wanted to take him to the school trainer. Mom made the right decision and took him to an Orthopedic surgeon (happens to be the team doc for HS sports) and x-ray showed elbow separation. Rested for eight weeks and all is well. If we had gone to the trainer, it would have pro-longed the diagnoisis and treatment.

Do not play in the tournament this weekend. You could be taking yourself out for months if you do.

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