Originally posted by pbonesteele:
I don't pretend to be an expert, just a wannabe ...
But if you are the leadoff batter, or bases are empty, your job is to become a base runner any way you can. That means being disciplined ... maybe you can draw a walk. Take one for the team if it's a pitch way inside. Understand what type of pitch to expect in different count situations, what type of pitch do you want to purposefully take, i.e., a first pitch CB that you can't do much with unless its hanging. Hopefully you can battle the pitcher into a FB count. If the pitcher gets you into a 2-strike count, be disciplined enough not to chase a ball out of the zone, foul off anything close to the corners, and stay alive until the pitcher eventually makes a mistake and serves up something you can drive.
As for making decisions while the ball is in flight ... You really only want to decide "is this a pitch I want to hit" and "hit the ball where its pitched", i.e., let outside pitches get deep in the zone and go oppo, go after inside pitches aggressively out in front ... hit the ball where it's pitched. Remember, you only have a few tenths of a second to make a decision, so keep it simple, just focus on recognizing the pitch as early as possible, then trust your hands.
Nice answer, but let me put it another way. (you sounded like Nixon there for a moment)

No one on base. Do MLB hitters try to place the ball to a certain location or are they just ripping it and then seeing where it goes.
Come on gurus, what ya waiting on?