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Attended the Oakland A's game last night with Mrs. infieldad and was a bit surprised by one of the jumbotron videos between innings .
Turns out the A's are celebrating their 40th year in Oakland and are showing their top 40 highlights, with fans being given a chance to vote for the best ones.
Much to my surprise, in the 3rd inning, the highlight was Jose Canseco stealing a base to become the first 40/40 player in MLB. The video included Canseco...well being Canseco, fans cheering, teammates clapping and one scene focused with LaRussa clapping for him.
With Canseco being an admitted steroid user, and all that has transpired this past winter with MLB and steroids/PED's, it struck me as odd(wrong?) that the A's would be using the 40/40 he accomplished as one of their top highlights. It struck me as odd(wrong?) that MLB would consider it good fan marketing(including children) to highlight the accomplishments of the one player who admitted/bragged he regularly used PED's.
If MLB and it's teams are going to market the performances that were PED enhanced, don't they, to a large extent, make a mockery of the Mitchell report.
If MLB and it's teams are going to market performances enhanced by PED's, doesn't that take such issues off the table for HOF balloting and the like?

'You don't have to be a great player to play in the major leagues, you've got to be a good one every day.'

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Originally posted by 06catcherdad:
Yeah, but Willie was the one who could have actually done it every year Wink

Actually, they both could have done it. Mantle was a better athlete than Mays or anyone else, and he was faster than Mays as well.

But the Yankees didn't want him putting any extra wear and tear on his knees so he hardly ran.

Mantle was the Bo Jackson of his generation.

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