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When son went through the recruiting process, every coach that made him an offer made it clear that  it was a percentage of the entire cost of attendance ( tuition, books, room and board, meals, etc ).  

Apparently others have had different experiences on the board. When the school that my son chose made their offer, the coach asked to speak to me on the phone and broke down the scholarship by line item and dollar amount and then told me his athletic scholarship was worth "x" % of his total cost of attendance.

The only thing that I have found out he didn't include was son's parking pass. Everything else was exactly as promised. Coach even gave me advice on which meal plan to purchase. 

Everyone gets different offers so you must ask what the percentage covers.  It may be total cost of attendance or just tuition.  Don't assume anything.  And keep in mind it's minimum 25% or nothing for D1.  D2 or D3 probably will be more academic money than athletic.  JUCO is dependent on what state you live in. 


younggun posted:

TPM, something that just struck me. The 25% minimum, is that 25% total cost of attendance, or is it 25% of tuition?  I have just never thought about the minimum. Maybe Rick will chime in or another poster with rules knowledge. 

Thats 25% of one full scholarship.

I would imagine it would work how they decide to apply percentages that works best in an entire package.  Maybe academic $$ would include  tuition and the athletic  $$ could be applied towards room and board.  Or the total COA. Remember, thats dependent on how, if the coach wants you, can make it happen.

I was just reminding everyone the minimum athletic $$ is 25% at a D1 program.  And also reminding everyone they dont have to even give you that.  

Last edited by TPM

Just going through this with son and about 11 of his summer teammates I can state that as many different schools there are that many different ways to make an offer.  Son's offer was based on tuition and all academic and institutional and roster spot.  Has a friend not paying a dime to play at a D1.  As others stated.  Important to clarify

Seems like I have been told that the instances of someone "not paying a dime" are few and far between but seems like I hear of that happening frequently on here. Son just recently verbally committed to what I thought was a very solid major D1 offer, but now I'm starting to wonder, with 3 high school seasons and summers before college, if maybe that offer could get sweeter as he matures and the velo continues to develop? When we hit age of direct contact next September if he has continued to develop on or above the projected path can an offer get sweeter with a school or is that unheard of? Just curious whether an offer to a 15 year old with a high upside can get better before the NLI if the player matures and improves better than projected? Not saying that we aren't happy, just curious about how things happen/can happen as we are really new to the whole recruiting process

Last edited by 2019Lefty21
2019Lefty21 posted:

Seems like I have been told that the instances of someone "not paying a dime" are few and far between but seems like I hear of that happening frequently on here. Son just recently verbally committed to what I thought was a very solid major D1 offer, but now I'm starting to wonder, with 3 high school seasons and summers before college, if maybe that offer could get sweeter as he matures and the velo continues to develop? When we hit age of direct contact next September if he has continued to develop on or above the projected path can an offer get sweeter with a school or is that unheard of? Just curious whether an offer to a 15 year old with a high upside can get better before the NLI if the player matures and improves better than projected?

It could get sweeter to keep him out of the draft.   

It could get sweeter for the other players on the college team if he gets drafted

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