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Please click on this link to learn more about a online survey coming out real soon!

2012 ALB Coaches survey coming soon!

This survey will be counting heavily on anyone to FWD this survey onto their respective coaching staffs and return using e-mail, facebook, twitter and any other means to spread this survey to get as much participation from ALB coaches from every state within the country.

"Hustle, it costs you nothing, but gains you everything"

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He's just trying to get the word out to everyone as soon as possible. Not everyone reads the same forums every day. I would generally agree with you about spam, but this is different. IMHO.

Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
TCWPreps - spamming the boards is against site rules!

Please remove the two dozen or so redundant posts relating to this topic in the regional and state forums and anywhere else you may have redundantly posted.
Originally posted by MTH:
He's just trying to get the word out to everyone as soon as possible.

That's exactly what spam is. There is no "just trying to get the word out" exception to the spam rules. Pick the most judicious forum (perhaps forum or two) and let the message ride there. Please remove the spamming posts.
I think TCWPreps has good intentions. His passion for American Legion Baseball is something that many will appreciate. I know i appreciate his efforts. Some might think I would be against Legion Baseball because of what we do. I discovered long ago that the more baseball available to kids the better it is for the game. I love what we do, but most of all I love baseball. TCWPreps is trying to get something accomplished that could improve Legion Baseball and give kids more opportunity.

All that said, I have to agree with ClevelandDad.

It bothers me whenever I see the same message posted on every forum. I like to look at all the forums on the main page to see what topic is interesting. When they all have the same topic listed it makes it tough to follow. And even though this case might seem to have good intentions, what if every topic dominated the message board by being listed at the top of every forum?

Back to the original topic...

Seriously ... If Nat'l Headquarters does NOT expand ROSTER to 20 or 22 men ... Legion ball is going to continue to lose to "travel" ball.

I think it is great to add more opportunities for kids to play baseball. I think Legion should do this, but I don't really see how adding a couple players to the "end" of an American Legion roster will combat Travel Baseball a bit. And to portray that message on this site seems odd when so many here are involved with Travel Baseball.

I do think Legion could do many things that would help. For many years they were the elite level of high school age baseball in this country. They just never caught on to the changes. Once it became apparent they were losing some luster, they tried to change. However these changes were IMO counter productive. Raising the age limit just doesn't make any sense. I agree with TR on that. The best college players go to collegiate wood bat leagues in the summer. They just take away roster spots from younger kids on Legion teams.

Years ago we went to Indianapolis to talk over some ideas we had for Legion Baseball. Many of us are former Legion baseball people. One of our staff is in the American Legion Hall of Fame. Myself, like so many others, played and coached Legion Baseball.
Our idea was that we would become the scouting division of Legion Baseball. We thought this would be a great way for us to enhance Legion Baseball while continuing doing what we already did. We didn't want any money, we thought our scouting service would support it. We also recommended that Legion go to wood bats and allow for more kids to be rostered.

Anyway we met with the Board. As most people that have been involved with Legion know, these are some elderly people who are... too put it kindly... A bit set in their ways! Jim Quinlan really liked our ideas and told us the Board would talk it over and get back to us.

They did get back to us with a question... How much would we pay THEM to be their Scouting Division? They just didn't get it so we took it to Travel Baseball.

Legion baseball is still great in so many ways. It has lost some popularity and importance over the years in many areas of the country. I hope it is around for ever because it has helped so many young players and it will help many more in the future. The Legion World Series is still a great event. I love what the Legion Baseball stands for, I just wish they weren't so stubborn! BTW, I am a proud American Legion member. At 65 years old, I'm one of the youngest in our post.

One last thing... The old saying... If you can't beat em... Join em! That is one thing that I think legion baseball needs to look at. I know it will be tough to give in on old tradition, but a couple Legion teams are already doing it. Why are the top Legion teams not trying to get into the events that have 500 or more scouts and college coaches watching? Why can't Legion teams play against the East Cobbs, DBats, Midland Redskins, Canes, Marucci's, Banditos, Norcal, Scorpions, etc. What a great benefit that would be to the players on those Legion teams. I think you will see more of this in the future. It just gives those Legion teams a big advantage in getting the best players. Why try to beat it? Why not try to use it?
Last edited by PGStaff
Originally posted by PGStaff:
I think it is great to add more opportunities for kids to play baseball. I think Legion should do this, but I don't really see how adding a couple players to the "end" of an American Legion roster will combat Travel Baseball a bit. And to portray that message on this site seems odd when so many here are involved with Travel Baseball.

Good point.

Coach Milburn has always used this site for his Legion agenda, this time he's gone overboard.

Originally posted by PGStaff:

Years ago we went to Indianapolis to talk over some ideas we had for Legion Baseball. Many of us are former Legion baseball people. One of our staff is in the American Legion Hall of Fame. Myself, like so many others, played and coached Legion Baseball.
Our idea was that we would become the scouting division of Legion Baseball. We thought this would be a great way for us to enhance Legion Baseball while continuing doing what we already did. We didn't want any money, we thought our scouting service would support it. We also recommended that Legion go to wood bats and allow for more kids to be rostered.

Anyway we met with the Board. As most people that have been involved with Legion know, these are some elderly people who are... too put it kindly... A bit set in their ways! Jim Quinlan really liked our ideas and told us the Board would talk it over and get back to us.

They did get back to us with a question... How much would we pay THEM to be their Scouting Division? They just didn't get it so we took it to Travel Baseball.

BUT what did National ALB Headquarters do ... teamed up with the Baseball Factory.

Last edited by TCWPreps
Not pleased that I had to do it, but I removed all the redundant posts Roll Eyes

We ask you kindly not to do it again. Also, do not want to argue (publicly or privately) about why we have a no-spamming policy on these boards. PGStaff eloquently stated the reason for the no-spamming policy as when someone does it, it does not allow our members to quickly scan over the boards and determine which topics have been bumped recently. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...
Just some food for thought, or fuel on the fire, depending on your perspective. Not sure which end I agree with, but consider this perspective.

Players want to keep playing ball as long as possible. And hopefully, despite what we may think on this board, not all play just because they hope to be seen. Some actually play for the fun of the game, in all its variations.

With that said, most freshman to sophomore summer players will not be taken on one of the better summer circuits. They may need more time to strut their stuff, or as is more common, find the right connections.

Why take Legion away from these players? As many posts have made clear, Legion has too many obstacles to regaining its place as the showplace of high school ball. Why can't it fill its niche as an alternative place to play for players who just want to enjoy the game locally?

I think it is quite arguable to maintain eligibility for 19 year olds, with that in mind.
Originally posted by RedSoxFan21:
Just some food for thought, or fuel on the fire, depending on your perspective. Not sure which end I agree with, but consider this perspective.

Players want to keep playing ball as long as possible. And hopefully, despite what we may think on this board, not all play just because they hope to be seen. Some actually play for the fun of the game, in all its variations.

With that said, most freshman to sophomore summer players will not be taken on one of the better summer circuits. They may need more time to strut their stuff, or as is more common, find the right connections.

Why take Legion away from these players? As many posts have made clear, Legion has too many obstacles to regaining its place as the showplace of high school ball. Why can't it fill its niche as an alternative place to play for players who just want to enjoy the game locally?

I think it is quite arguable to maintain eligibility for 19 year olds, with that in mind.

That is a totally legitimate topic for discussion. Do we have to post it redundantly in every forum to have the discussion? Rhetorical question requiring no answer...
Originally posted by TCWPreps:
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Not pleased that I had to do it, but I removed all the redundant posts Roll Eyes

We ask you kindly not to do it again. Also, do not want to argue (publicly or privately) about why we have a no-spamming policy on these boards. PGStaff eloquently stated the reason for the no-spamming policy as when someone does it, it does not allow our members to quickly scan over the boards and determine which topics have been bumped recently. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...

Thanks fine, the concern that PGStaff cited, had already worked itself out as there have been more recent posts.

The perception is that you are like some of those elder ALB folks that PGStaff referenced.

Have a great day!

How had it worked itself out? You were asked to remove the posts and you didn't?
Just to be clear... What we offered to ALB was MUCH different. ALB basically teamed up with BF to offer recruiting and player development services to ALB players. We do not operate a recruiting service and we do very little when it comes to player development.

Our idea was very simple and at no cost to ALB. Basically ALB players would have a scouting division. Players would have their profiles posted and all areas where ALB was played would be covered, players rated, ranked, etc., both national and regional. This would have resulted in much more exposure for ALB players to both college and professional baseball without them leaving the organization to attend other events. We thought our scouting service could handle the cost and our main objective is always to identify the top amateur players.

We felt this was a major financial investment on our part and a gigantic advantage for ALB. We couldn't understand why they wanted us to pay them anything. Truth is... They made a mistake. We all make mistakes. To their credit, this was a long time ago and we were not as well known at that time.

We still scout the ALB World Series and a few other things. But if you look at the first round picks over the past many years, you see that nearly every player was involved in club or travel baseball. It's the same way for all the early rounds. If you look at the rosters of the top college programs, you see that nearly every player played club or travel baseball while in high school. We didn't do that... It just happened! Our major interest is in finding baseball talent. We were just in the Dominican for that purpose alone.

Most everyone knows about the history of Legion baseball. Most of us have great memories about Legion baseball. To this day it is a great program that helps many young players. It's still very popular in some areas of the country. Still many outstanding players in Legion baseball. I love the descipline and tradition. It's a great thing, the numbers are still good, but its not what it used to be.

I think it's great that there are people who really care and are trying to do something to make it better. That is where we were at many years ago. I guess we failed and had to go another direction.
Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Just to be clear... What we offered to ALB was MUCH different. ALB basically teamed up with BF to offer recruiting and player development services to ALB players. We do not operate a recruiting service and we do very little when it comes to player development.

Our idea was very simple and at no cost to ALB. Basically ALB players would have a scouting division. Players would have their profiles posted and all areas where ALB was played would be covered, players rated, ranked, etc., both national and regional. This would have resulted in much more exposure for ALB players to both college and professional baseball without them leaving the organization to attend other events. We thought our scouting service could handle the cost and our main objective is always to identify the top amateur players.

We felt this was a major financial investment on our part and a gigantic advantage for ALB. We couldn't understand why they wanted us to pay them anything. Truth is... They made a mistake. We all make mistakes. To their credit, this was a long time ago and we were not as well known at that time.

We still scout the ALB World Series and a few other things. But if you look at the first round picks over the past many years, you see that nearly every player was involved in club or travel baseball. It's the same way for all the early rounds. If you look at the rosters of the top college programs, you see that nearly every player played club or travel baseball while in high school. We didn't do that... It just happened! Our major interest is in finding baseball talent. We were just in the Dominican for that purpose alone.

Most everyone knows about the history of Legion baseball. Most of us have great memories about Legion baseball. To this day it is a great program that helps many young players. It's still very popular in some areas of the country. Still many outstanding players in Legion baseball. I love the descipline and tradition. It's a great thing, the numbers are still good, but its not what it used to be.

I think it's great that their are people who really care and are trying to do something to make it better. That is where we were at many years ago. I guess we failed and had to go another direction.

The perception is that ALL misunderstood my reply to PG.

Fact ... Baseball Factory is a huge cost for the kids/parents when compared to what PG was offering.

I'm perplexed that ALB teamed up with the BF is what I was saying.

Didn't anyone see this ---->
Last edited by TCWPreps
Nooo, just want to give each state an opportunity to participate as spreading the word to each individual state is not the easiest as someone removed each post that I had directed to each individual state/region.

As of now, it's pretty evident of the what the majority wants, but as I said, I want to give each state an opportunity to take the survey as ALB does not start until last week of May/1st week of June.

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