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One of the web site's father should be proud of this historic
visit by the "Perth Heat"- Alex Burg to the Asian Games.

This is a very "big" event with many pro scouts attending.

We will visit with Alex in Adelaide when our teams visit in December.

This year, we have players from Mexico and China joining out Cubs and Rays Scout teams. Each team will play 12 games with pro scouts evaluating.

Bob Williams
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Congratulations to the Burg Family:

Please notice the name Alex Burg. This will be an outstanding International Series. When I meet Alex in Adelaide, we will discuss this memory for a lifetime.

This competition is equal to Triple A Professional Baseball.

On his team is Luke Hughes [Twins MLB] and 10 players that our American players have played against the past 18 years.


This was the result of the 1st game, Alex Burg had three hits. Several years ago in Korea at the Olympic Village, I watched the Samsung Team play in the Korea Pro League. They are very talented and serious players.

My impression was of the Korean Disco Dancers providing non-stop entertainment during the game -"on top of the dugout".

I hope young Alex has a camera.

Last edited by Bob Williams

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