First, let me say that the preface to your long winded meaningless essay is rather silly.
Now - Lets take a peek at each very wordy paragraph:
RR - "This is 2005 and on the verge of a new year. Baseball is operating in a time warp that was created at the turn of the 20th Century. It methods and assumptions are antiquated and have no place in the modern employer/employee relationship. It has continued on this track because it has an exemption for viability as a "real" business. It is not a "real" business."
Actually - baseball's economic structure has evolved in dramatic fashion over the last 25 years. It does have an antitrust exemption - but to state it isnt a real business is foolish. It is a multi billion $ industry.
RR - "The current financial model it operates under now if run as a "real" business would drive it into complete bankruptcy. It is more like a government entitlement pyramid system with a bureaucracy with very top down management with a "priveleged" plantation demeanor."
So - you would prefer to bankrupt baseball? As for a government entitlement analogy - (with the possible exception of the bonds used to finance stadiums) - your comment makes no sense IMO.
RR - "It needs to change into a 21st Century model with players, who are in personal service contracts now, become corporate partners and owners in the endeavor as shareholders and stock participants. Salaries need to be reevaluated for a more realistic paradigm that includes an understanding that the "privelege" to be a member of the industry belongs to the player as a concrete recognition of his effort to achieve excellence and manifested in the fact that he has earned his right to be considered as that member. Then and only then can he rightly assume that the pride that is so spoken of belonging by the MLB has some substance and "real" meaning to him."
Stock ownership? - Do the players also get to share in the losses if and when they occur? The players would be have to really dumb to do that IMO. As for salaries being reevaluated - by whom? The market dictates salaries. Sounds like you want to interfere with the free market system and have salaries dictated by a "higher"power" Very scary. The last 3 lines or so of this paragraph are meaningless.
RR - "The true capitalist model spawns ownership, and sovereignty in personal freedom to invest, both in time and money, and is based upon negotiated legal agreements that offer protections to avoid the disparaties that serve only to alienate the producer from the owner."
I see alot of spawning in alot of sports. In fact - new leagues and number of teams have exploded the last 10 years. Many fail - and others succeed. As for the legal agreement thing you mention - what does that mean?"
RR - "But it does not produce raw inequities of the kind we see now. Socialist command models produce that, and baseball falls in that category."
Socialists didnt make millions per year - like so many athletes in the US make now. No socialist command model that ever existed on this planet ever yielded anything even closely resembling that. The statement just makes absolutely no sense. And socialists wouldnt allow business failures - like the myriad number of failures we have seen the last 20 years.
My sense is - (based on what I can decipher from your deluge of words) - that you want income redistribution in the game of baseball - and perhaps even more that that.
That is in direct contradiction to your prior statements concerning your embrace of capitalism.
Rather confusing.