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My 2019 just finished the Fall Classic.  Overall, he had a rough weekend, but that's life I guess.

He's a fringe D1 kid.  Elite speed/athleticism with an evolving baseball skillset.  He's got a list of about 5 schools that he would realistically consider that might consider him as well.  If those don't work out, he's probably just going to head off to school (i.e. the school is more important than baseball at this point, which I'm fine with).

Two of the schools he's interested in attended games.  One attended two games (and I'm confident they were there to see him based on the RC moving to get a better vantage point specifically for his at bats) and another that stayed for most of a game (he had said that he would be watching his team).  He did not fail in front of these coaches, but he didn't get to showcase anything either.

My questions: 

Do we follow-up with the coaches?  If so, how do you follow-up with a school (the one that was at 2 of his games) that did not communicate they would be coming?  Is it weird to say his parents saw some coaches from University XYZ at a couple of his games?

What is appropriate to ask/say?  Thanks for coming to my game?  Do you have any feedback for me?

I realize that the sentiment here is that if a school wants you, you'll know it.  My goal is not to talk coaches into interest, but more so to gain a clearer picture of where he stands with them and if they still see potential with added improvement.  FYI, neither of the two schools appear to have any 2019 commits yet (that I can see).


Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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I think I'm about to give you some of the most empty...possibly worst advice I've given on here in a while.  Or maybe your question is a blind spot for me - because we never followed up with anyone after a difficult weekend in a tournament or showcase.

Maybe the best answer I can give you is 'do nothing really?'  Let sleeping dogs lie and wait for a better day?  Thats probably what we did or would've done.

Lots of coaches saw our kids and never followed up with them - and we never followed up to them either.  Some came around later, others never came around.  Just the way it was.

JBB, I think that is good advice.

My son also just wrapped up the AZ Junior Classic. A few coaches have followed up, two asked his coaches about him during the weekend, but some who were watching him (filming his ABs, timing him HTF) have not done either. I don't think there is much that can be done wrt the latter. However, what my son is going to do is send a highlight clip of the weekend to coaches he's been speaking with who weren't at the Junior Classic, just in the way of update. That can't hurt.

I don't know if that is helpful, Boilermarker, but I thought I'd share in case you find it useful.

Boilermaker, there is absolutely no harm in following up if he really is interested in both schools.

I would reiterate my interest in the school, give them an update on his progress (if he hasn't already done that in previous communications), say that you're aware that they were at the camp, and if they saw him he would appreciate any feedback they might have for him as he continues to work on his skills this winter.  (Others may have even better advice here)

Feedback is always key - the next few months are prime development months -- if he's committed and works hard and listens to the feedback, the Spring and Summer could be a new ballgame.  Some of my son's senior friends were not on anyone's radar at all until their rising senior summer and one has committed to a mid-major D1 and 2 have committed to top D3s.

It's been one day since the event.

I know that in my son's office, on Mondays coaches meeting includes discussion on what they each saw over the weekend and then decide on doing a follow up or not. Some, or most programs recruit pitchers and catchers first.  The recruiting coach's job is to contact the players and he usually starts from the top down.

Give it a few days or a week. However, I am 100% in agreement with JBB.  If they are interested, sincerely interested, they will contact YOU with any questions.



Last edited by TPM

My son followed up today with the coaches he has been in direct contact with (texts or calls) only because they told him they were coming to see him in particular. This was mainly because they coaches are from east coast schools who won't see him play for the rest of the year and he is a west coast kid. He happened to have a good weekend but did not share stats or any film or highlights in his follow up communication. All he wrote to the three coaches was "Coach XY, thanks for making the long trip to AZ and taking the time to see me play for a few innings. I had so much fun playing baseball with my friends/teammates this weekend. I'm glad you got to see me outside of a showcase setting and more relaxed!  Hope to speak to you soon!

He got great responses from two of three coaches. One said how "great it was to see you in a more natural setting even if you guys were batting all 17! ha ha great job!". The another said "man, you have a great team and you stood out". The last one he heard zilch.

So it really depends on the nature of the relationship and how comfortable your kid is with the coach and his tolerance for possibly not getting a response. Funny son has built up such a high tolerance of rejection now from the fickleness of this process. One week he has coaches calling him everyday, then it is radio silence the following. Then, next week its 1 or 2 calling/texting, then dead the next.  I think he might go into cold calling or door to door encyclopedia sales after high school instead!

I replied on the other AZ thread, but decided to post here also. Son got a text right after the game he pitched from 1 of the coaches watching. He then called and talked to him later that evening. Has sent 2 emails saying how much they really like him and promoting their school and program. Just sent his transcript per their request. Coach said he would call by Wed to follow up. He knew nothing about son before that game. Most of the scouts were there to watch the other teams starter. Fortunately my son pitched really well. That was the only game he pitched, but he played MI the rest of the games. Played really well, made a few outstanding plays. Hit the ball well, had at least 1 hit in every game with only getting mostly 2 at bats a game. And got nada responses from any coaches. Pitchers definitely have an advantage of being noticed.

TPM posted:

It's been one day since the event.

I know that in my son's office, on Mondays coaches meeting includes discussion on what they each saw over the weekend and then decide on doing a follow up or not. Some, or most programs recruit pitchers and catchers first.  The recruiting coach's job is to contact the players and he usually starts from the top down.

Give it a few days or a week. However, I am 100% in agreement with JBB.  If they are interested, sincerely interested, they will contact YOU with any questions.



Spot on advice from TPM on this. Some coaches reaching out today (they traveled Sunday and probably had Monday meetings like TPM mentioned).

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