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Just got back from the Jr Fall Classic and was wondering what people thougth about it? I've never been to one of these before and was pleasantly surprised at how mellow it was; and could the weather have been more perfect? Smile
Not really sure how the whole exposure thing works though, bc we had anywhere from 3-10 coaches at our games but if they weren't there when your kid did something great, it's kind of tough luck, I guess. I was also interested to hear the very wide range of $$ players were asked to pay to attend. Any comments welcome!
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Like all things in a capitalistic society "let the buyer beware" Teams like SGV (and many others) charge reasonable fees. There are some that are out there charging outrageous sums of money to go to this tournament.(and others) They also have big sales pitches about getting Johnny in front of 100’s of college scouts. I watched a couple of teams at the Sr Classic that had very few kids capable (IMHO) playing college ball. Made me sad, but you have to do your homework. I don't know this for a fact, but I am sure the college coaches know these teams and don't recruit them very much. You know the quality teams, just by how many scouts are at their games.
Last edited by BOF
I will not say where this is from but how about this! It is a shame that parents are taken by these charlatans, thinking just because they are there, a college coach will be interested in them. Wow is all I can say.

Thursday, October 13 - Sunday, October 16, 2011
Wood Bat Tournament
Program Fee: $2,495.00
Last edited by BOF
I feel fortunate to have sent my son w a team that charged barely enough to cover the coaches' expenses...playing time was super fair too. One question: did you think there were a good number of coaches there...are they going to let us know who all was there? I know I saw a bunch but was trying not to look at them too much
The fall classic showcases are some of the best opportunities that an aspiring college prospect can hope to play in, as the opportunity to be noticed is very real. However, it does help to go with a good team that has a reputation of brining legitimate prospects. And that's where the problem comes in....

Many of the teams that charge the most money are the same ones where the only qualification to play is the parent's ability to write a check, much more than the young man's ability to play well. There are a great many teams who do not charge big bucks to play, and who bring legitimate prospects to these showcases. The key for a parent, and their son, is to figure out which is which and try to get onto a 'good' team.

The subject of how much some of these teams charge, and how they've been using their entry into the fall classics as a way to market was a topic of discussion at the events this year. I can say with a very high degree of confidence that this has not gone unnoticed by the owner/operator of the events, and I fully expect something to be done about this trend. The gentleman who operates these tournaments has done a fantastic job of turning these into 'must play' events where a prospect can land on many recruiting lists with a good performance, and I'm 100% confident that he finds the over-charging to be troubling. I am quite confident that some changes are going to be made, and will be in effect next year.

In the meantime, this is just another example that parents need to be discriminating consumers of baseball for their sons. There are a lot of very good programs out there that do a good job at reasonable expense, and then there are those who simply take advantage of a business opportunity for themselves. Caveat Emptor applies.
I just thought I'd add a few additonal comments on what I'd suggest parents look for when considering a team to send their son to one of these showcases. First, what is the roster size? I saw teams down there with 25-30 players on their roster. Those teams provide very little opportunity to be on the field in front of coaches who may have an interest in your son. Second, what are they charging to compete? While every team going to the Fall Classics has substantial costs to cover, for registration and coaches travel and lodging expenses, it does not cost the $30,000-50,000 that some of these teams are grossing for a 3-day tournament. If you're considering playing on a team that is taking 15-20 players to Arizona, and which is charging hundreds of dollars, NOT THOUSANDS, to play, then you're looking in the right direction.

Many teams do not charge much at all to play, if anything at all beyond their basic team dues. The key is finding the right team. Do your homework.

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