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I know back spin has been talked about here before.
But I wanted to share some results that seem to keep happening.
My son has had the privlage of hitting with great hitting coachs. For the last two years (junior and this year senior) I have had the great pleasure of watching him have hitting experiences that will last a lifetime. Junior year while hitting over 500 through his entire HS season he developed some great power numbers as well.Legion season went through the roof hitting almost 600 for the year with with incredible power everything was double, triple, and a bunch of dingers. This year seems to be picking up where last year left off. OK now to my point. We have worked very hard on his hitting skills and one of his hitting coachs has always said."wait till you start getting strong you will miss them and still jack them out of the park". My son and I have been amazed at some homeruns that he has missed. A common conversation goes like this. " Wow Dad I missed that one and still hit it 385'" On the other side is "Wow I got all of that one do you really think that is 430'or 440. I know thes numbers sound crazy but they keep happening. ( yes it is with metal ) but he played in a mens league last year with wood and the results were still amazing. Hit over 400 with lots of line drive doubles.
The part that I am most suprised about is the back spin,loft and carry that one of his hitting coachs always talks about. I mean good swings that just miss dead center of the ball and the result being climb ,climb,climb. Another common talk goes like this " Hey Dad ya know that double I hit,if I just missed it, it would have been gone.

My son does a lot of swinging to find his groove. (tee work,soft toss,half cage,mirror work etc)When he is where he likes to be his hitting is more of a feel than anything elese.

I just thought I would share some of this with you as it has been amazing to watch develop.
I would also like to let anyone know that North of Boston there are some great hitting instructors that we have had the pleasure of working with. If you need some one to work with Peter Feeley of extra innings in Middleton Ma. (978-762-0668)
And Arthur and Andrew Hartung of Stoneham Ma. (781-438-3825)

These people have been great in helping my son become the hitter he is.
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