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Hi Ladies! Hope you're enjoying this great holiday weekend! Cool

Since I made a previous snyde post about the guys grilling this weekend,...I thought it was only fair to share a post that I found over in a different forum. ( Maybe I'm feeling guilty? Not sure. )

" PG Staff " gave out this recipe in the East Coast Hot Dog Bunns, forum ( yes,...that really is a HSBBW post, I swear! ).

He gave me his permission to paste it over here & I couldn't resist! Like I said before,... Men: Can't live with them,..can't live without em'! Ha! ( especially when they are grilling for us!) Big Grin

Check it our below. It sounds to-die-for nummy-in-da-tummy!!!!!

Cant take credit for it,...I'm just the messenger, but if anyone makes these bad boys and comes through Kansas, ya better stop by with a basket full! hee-hee


Posted September 02, 2006 10:12 AM
Jerry's Beer Brat Recipe

Regular brats (no extra stuff in them)

Get grill hot (high on gas grill)

Chop large onion and one green pepper

Add one tablespoon of chopped garlic

Put onion, pepper and garlic in disposable tin pan.

Fill pan at least half full with beer

Put brats on grill and turn several times to brown well. Be careful not to break skin or burn.

Once browned well, put brats in pan with beer and onions. Cover with aluminum foil.

Put pan in low heat grill and let cook for about 45 minutes or more.

Take brats out of pan and put back on grill for just a minute or two.

Put brat on Bun and strain the beer out of pan leaving carmalized onions. Put onions on brat and watch out for burning your mouth on the first bite.

You can skip the peppers and garlic if you don't like them.

If you like brats... you will really like them fixed this way.


THANKS " PG Staff "!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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