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Runner on 3rd, pitcher throwing from the stretch. The pitcher has his back foot on the front side of the rubber, he has not come set yet, the ball and glove have not come together, runner takes off from 3rd as soon as the pitcher puts his back foot on the rubber. Does the pitcher have to step back off the rubber before throwing home, or, since he hasn't come set yet can he just step forward of the rubber and throw home??
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In the OP he was pitching from the stretch, so he would have to come set and pitch. The stop doesn't have be much so he can hurry his delivery but he does have to show a stop. From the wind-up he can pretty much get the pitch delivered as quick as possible and still meet the wind-up regs.
If he can get a legal pitch thrown the batter gets a chance to swing at it. If he steps back and throws home the batter has to let it go and clear the box area. If he hits or swings at a nonpitch then it is interference.
I had a varsity manager have a fit on one our best umps over that very call. The runner broke from third, the pitcher hurried but delivered legally. He wanted a balk because he changed his delivery. I got the nasty phone call wanting a ruling followed by multiple emails trying to prove his case.

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