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Originally posted by LIONS10:
I know he doesn't need to go backwards but he needs to at least break the rubber with his right foot, can't just pick his left foot up and go to first when its a RHP

Sure he can. Look at the rule book and see if there are different rules for RHPs and LHPs. In all codes except Fed you may also step directly to a base in the wind-up. In HS you must disengage if you are in the wind-up.
As far as how high you can lift your foot that is a matter of an indivual umpire. There is nothing in the rules about any restriction and if the pitcher defintely swings without any forwad motion then all should be good. My advice to pitchers is if it's that close to the envelope then don't do it.
The problem is there arre many baseball myths that come from playing youth basbeall. Some come from parents, some from coaches, and unfortunately some from lesser trained umpires.
The end result is if you step first before starting your hands you may step straight from the rubber and throw to first. To fake you must disengage no matter what hand you are.
The local PONY league had a guy that been involved since the late 50s and he insisted that you spin move was illegal. For 90% of the rules he was excellent but in this case he was wrong. This is how myths are spread.
As I've pointed out many times if you read the pitching rules there is no distinction between what a RHP and LHP may do.
Last edited by Michael S. Taylor

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