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I have been told it is a balk in Federation rules for a pitcher, with runners on base, to throw to a fielder who isn't at a base if he isn't making a play on a runner.  Can't find it in the rules.  


Situation under discussion is a runner on second.  Pitcher in set position turns to throw but ss isn't covering, so he tosses the ball to ss at the ss's normal fielding position while the unthreatened runner looks on in amusement and saunters back to the base unmolested.  


Is this legal?  Is it a balk?  Delay of game?  Something else?  Does it matter if the pitcher disengages from the rubber first?  What are the consequences, if any?

Last edited by Swampboy
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Originally Posted by Swampboy:

I have been told it is a balk in Federation rules for a pitcher, with runners on base, to throw to a fielder who isn't at a base if he isn't making a play on a runner.  Can't find it in the rules.  


Situation under discussion is a runner on second.  Pitcher in set position turns to throw but ss isn't covering, so he tosses the ball to ss at the ss's normal fielding position while the unthreatened runner looks on in amusement and saunters back to the base unmolested.  


Is this legal?  Is it a balk?  Delay of game?  Something else?  Does it matter if the pitcher disengages from the rubber first?  What are the consequences, if any?

Legal.  No Balk.  Pitcher does not have to disengage.

No balk. The pitcher can feint or throw to 2nd and third. It doesn't matter if the fielder is covering. Regarding first, it is not a balk if the pitcher throws over and the fielder is in proximity of 1st base (NFHS). Proximity is umpire judgement. Pro rule and NCAA are a little different. The interpretation of those rules are that the fielder must be making a play on the runner. In practice, if the fielder makes any move towards first, even the slightest, then it is not a balk.

How about this.....last a HS game against a team who has a guy who claims to be a "pitching coach"


Ump calls a balk on his senior pitcher with our team having runners on second and third.  He comes out of the dugout...gets an explanation and then says...loud enough for all to hear....


"Aren't you gonna give him a warning, he's been doing it the whole game".....


Haven't laughed so hard in a long time....

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