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What do think about Mr Bonds coming back as the Marlins hitting coach for new manager Don Mattingly?   I'm no Bonds fan, but I like the move.  Marlins have nothing to lose at this point including grabbing some headlines and taking some calculated risks.  Why not give it a shot.

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I like it.  Curious if he can be a good coach.  I hear McGwire is well regarded.  I heard Ted Williams wasn't a good coach.  Curious about extraordinary skills and great players, if they can teach, help improve "average" mlb hitters.

I'm guessing a major league hitting coach is more psychologist / mindset coach than coaching actual technical skills?

And how would we know if he is a good hitting coach or not?  That seems like it would be really hard to tell.

Regardless of his colorful reputation and seemingly tainted *accomplishments , Bonds could FLAT OUT HIT. Personally, the greatest LH bat I ever saw. As GO44DAD already said, the bigger question is : Can he coach a big league roster of hitters and deal with the unglamorous and demanding job of being an MLB hitting coach? It's a grueling 7-8 months of hard work. The actual hitting instruction, working with guys and all that will be easy for him. In my opinion it's gonna be all the other stuff


No steroid jokes here, the guy was simply as good as it gets.

Bonds was brought in by SF the past two springs to work w/ hitters, and it seems to me that the Giants get the most out of their talent every season. Giants hitters seem to statistically "over perform" their skill set, and from what you read the players aren't shy about discussing what Barry brought to the table during Spring Training. 

Great move by Miami - scary to think what Stanton can become with Bonds' help! 

I'm very interested to see how it works out.  I think it will be either a huge success or big bust.  Separate from his obvious abilities, he always had a great approach and would potentially be a great instructor.  Of course, the "accomplishment" respect factor will be off the charts.  But he was such an odd combination of  secluded, pompous, spoiled, immature and selfish person he would have to be a much different person now than he was twenty years ago to be able to build relationships where players will continue to listen and respect him.  I think doing the spring guest consultant thing is a fantastic fit.  Not sure about day-in, day-out.

StrainedOblique posted:
like2rake posted:

"It's a grueling 7-8 months of hard work."

Really, being an MLB batting coach is grueling work?

In my opinion yes. Very few days off, Constant travel. Barry has family, kids. For him especially. Not going to be easy going from the comfortable life of a mega wealthy ex-ballplayer back to the daily grind of the MLB road show

Have you been to Miami lately or seen the stadium?  Not a bad gig. He will survive.

He was so successful in bonding with his previous team mates and coaches.  Really took the rookies under his wing and mentored them in SF.  Such a positive influence in the locker room.  Fantastic with the media.  All the traits that scream success for a head coach.

How could this not be a great hire . . . . .

Keep in mind that ML hitting coaches are mentors and there to assist if needed. These guys already know how to hit or they wouldn't be there, but they need tweaking continually, even Stanton. I think this hire is a good thing, if  Loria can stay out of the locker room, batting cages and let the coaches coach and the managers manage.





the swing itself aside if I recall correctly in the interviews I have seen over the years Bonds, and watching some many highlights he had a very disciplined approach at the plate. He had a plan and it much easier said then done...If he is able to get those thoughts transferred to players he can be very very helpful!

I recall him saying that the AB is basically a fight over 4 or 5 inches. The middle 10 inches don't get thrown to and crushed if they do, the extreme outside and inside inch are pitchers you are fighting over the remaining 2.5" slots which are the inner and outer hitting areas...

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