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Some of my own dreamlike meories of playing ball come from one particular college summer when I worked at Lake Lanier Islands and lived in Buford, Georgia. You could make a movie out of all the things that happened. For a Michigan boy, it was just an incredible experience and I met some of the best people I'll ever know.....the other college kids who worked at the beach, and some of the adults I knew while working construction -- what an amazing cast of characters.

Anyway, we occasionally would meet after work to play softball - coed - out in some pasture field somewhere out in nowhere. It was the most fun I ever had with a baseball glove on my hand.

Someone would always roll up, thrown open all their car doors, and blast southern rock out across the warm summer night. The Outlaws, Skynyrd, Poco, Mothers Finest, Molly Hatchet, Mountain, the Marshall Tucker Band, .38 Special.....

I just discovered a little gem while looking for some audio clips....a relatively unknown band made up of some guys formerly of some well-known southern rock bands, and wanted to share:
I love this kind of music and thought some of you might enjoy it as well....and bring back some of your own amazing memories of a different place and time.......

"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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Aint memories great

But they do create problems---my daughter tells me she is waiting for me to make a comeback since all the over 60 rockers are making it back again--and with her 40th birthday coming up this summer I expect she wants to hear me do it again at least for her party---she has hinted as recently as last week--she still has every record I was involved with stored away in plastic sheets---the problem is thatI can still do the guitar think but I need to find a voice LOL
Your voice can't be that lost Smile A little search and some practice - you'll be good and your little girl will be so happy. Smile

ps - in another thread a while back, you mentioned that since son was in high school he could pack his own uniform and stuff. I made the mistake of packing one evening (heavy homework little time) - he played an outstanding game. Well guess what, Mr Superstition says I should pack since he played so well. Roll Eyes
Southern Rock is such summer music, isn't it? Just last night, while the PA was playing "Freebird" at son's game, we were all reminising (sp?) about the old days and music. I saw Lynyrd Skynyrd, with The Outlaws opening, at Oakland Colliseum many, many years ago. What a great concert! Baseball and southern rock go together.
Thanks for sharing your fond memories.
Originally posted by emeraldvlly:
Southern Rock is such summer music, isn't it? Just last night, while the PA was playing "Freebird" at son's game, we were all reminising (sp?) about the old days and music. I saw Lynyrd Skynyrd, with The Outlaws opening, at Oakland Colliseum many, many years ago. What a great concert! Baseball and southern rock go together.
Thanks for sharing your fond memories.

I love the Outlaws - especially this classic:

And of course, Lynyrd Skynyrd is one of the greatest bands of all time:

Here is the video from that Oakland concert - I think I spotted emerald valley somewhere in the crowd Smile
How come nobody's mentioned the Allman Brothers Band yet?

I never really considered Mother's Finest to be Southern Rock (don't really know what I considered them to be other than kick a@% great music). I still listen to them, the rest of my family just doesn't get it though - Mickey's Monkey ratttling the windows on a Saturday morning doesn't thrill them.

Oh, what about the Dixie Dregs?
How come nobody's mentioned the Allman Brothers Band yet?

OMG. I've been blasting my *new* Mother's finest CD all week. Mickey rocks, although I had to explain to 2B that "doin' Mickey's Monkey" doesn't exactly have the same connotation these days...

I think it's time to listen to the Brothers on the way to the game this afternoon!

..."and now we're gon' play a new song for old Elmore James song we'd like to play... it's called 'I musta did somebody wrong'... I wonder who?"

Go Blue Wave!!
Omigod... the flashbacks are blinding.

Glad to see we have so many fans of Southern Rock. Being in college in the mid '70s at Auburn, many a term paper was written listening to all the bands y'all have mentioned (along with some Waylon). Marshall Tucker, Outlaws, Allman Brothers,Kansas, Skynrd, and Atlanta Rythmn Section was easy listening (also used as a barometer with the coeds...if they didn't like our music we knew there was no future). Pure Prairie League, Dan Fogelburg and Jimmy Buffett ( an Auburn man at one time in his life). About as Yankee as we got was Bachman Turner Overdrive or Bob Seger ( still swear the boy has southern roots). The girls aLL loved Billy Joel so we were forced to listen in ( have to admit he grew on us so he became Billy Bob Joel).

And what 3 guys were louder on stage than ZZ Top?

After I destroyed my ankle (and baseball career of sitting on the bench), I starting doing concert promotion for the University and had a blast. Mother's Finest, Waylon Jennings, and The Commodores (got to know Lionel Ritchie beforehand and finally gave them a date at a major Southern University) were just a few. Unfortunately I had to keep the administration happy also so I had to attempt to schedule a wide variety of different music, but I am very proud to say I never did a Disco concert.

****Embarassing but true, that was me working as a Disco Dancing instructor at the Student Union on Wednesday nights. Hey, the money was decent and I met alot of girls so shoot me.

My sons both grew up listening to all these bands and (Thank You Jesus) never have taken up with rap or today's popular "music". I don't even want to think about the money my son has spent downloading music and burning CD's for me of all these bands from the '70s.

I look back and remember the '70s fondly...and just plain glad I survived. Gotta go and check the basement...I'm sure there are some old albums that need to be dusted off.
Originally posted by doubleday:
Mother's Finest...good times. Getting into Castaways in Myrtle Beach on fake IDs at the age of 16. At 45, with a 15 year old son, I can't imagine him doing 5% of the stuff we did. Today, you'd be kicked out of school and arrested for stealing the Bi-Lo cow and putting it in your buddy's yard.

I wonder what would happen to a kid nowadays who went out with his two buddies to the local Yogi-bear-themed putt-putt course, loaded all the 8 foot tall characters into their cars, then set them all up on top of the school so there they were in all their glory the next morning. I'm just curious....

And would two 19 year old guys who got kicked out of an Atlanta perimeter bar on New Year's eve 1981 for smuggling in their own beers really go up to two girls, total strangers, in the parking lot and ask them to put full make-up on them so they could then try to sneak back in? Would these girls take these fellas in their car and spend an hour laughing and talking and applying loads of mascara and lipstick and blush and then teasing the boys' hair out into weirdness with hairspray? Would the boys really get past the bouncer who'd tossed them an hour earlier get back in, and in this condition?

......HAAAAIL YEAH THEY DONE GOT BACK IN AND HAD THEM A PARTY!! (after rushing to the bathroom and scrubbing off the make-up as best they could -- and having a sympathetic girl waitress recognize them then but smile and say in her sweet southern accent, "Don't worry, guys, I won't say a word.")

All part of my 'Song of the South'.....if my best friend's parents hadn't moved to Georgia from Michigan right after our senior year, I'd be so much the poorer, because we had some amazing adventures down there....

Musically, saw the Rossington-Collins band that year. I'm almost thinking it was their very first show ever....but not 100% on that ....up in Gainesville, Georgia. When they played Free Bird, the whole slow part of the song was done with a single spotlight on a lone mic stand at center stage as the audince sang the words that RVZ would have been singing. Talk about the hair standing on the back of your neck.....then, when the vocal part rises into the three-guitar attack, Rossington and Collins and all the others were finally revealed as the rest of the lights came up and a HUGE rebel flag unfurled behind the stage......omg, I am back there right now......
Last edited by Krakatoa

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