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When criminals know you are not armed, they are more likely to target you. An armed society is a strong society. Allow citizens the right to bear arms and people won"t feel the need to keep a baseball bat behind their door. Obviously, I'm not politically correct, but the UK asked for the lawlessness they are seeing when they banned all firearms from the country. I don't believe even the police are permitted to carry firearms there. "If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns".
Here ya go....

"Ashburn was well-known for his dry humor as a broadcaster. On one occasion, he was talking to Harry Kalas about his superstitions during his playing days, and said that he once had a habit of keeping a successful baseball bat in bed with him between games, not trusting the clubhouse crew to give him the same bat the next day. Ashburn told Kalas that he had "slept with a lot of old bats" in his day."
Originally posted by bballman:
When criminals know you are not armed, they are more likely to target you.

Not necessarily true. Data coming from states with large amounts of armed citizens is showing that criminals with the intent of robbery are deliberately targeting armed citizens. The key trend is that they know that their targets are armed, hence the admonishment not to advertise that one is carrying or to do anything differently because of the possession of a weapon.

Originally posted by bballman: An armed society is a strong society. Allow citizens the right to bear arms and people won"t feel the need to keep a baseball bat behind their door.

I dunno. Been to Iraq, which is a heavily armed state--wouldn't say society is too strong there.

Originally posted by bballman: Obviously, I'm not politically correct, but the UK asked for the lawlessness they are seeing when they banned all firearms from the country.

So why the traditionally lower crime rate? Why is this just happening now? Guns (or lack thereof) are not the issue.

Originally posted by bballman: I don't believe even the police are permitted to carry firearms there.

Yes, they are.

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