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Hey I need your guys help. Im getting a new -3 baseball bat. But I dont know what to get. Im 5'9" and 140. But im getting bigger and stronger. I need you guys to help me choose a bat. Im looking at the Nike Fuse, the Stealth(IDK which kind... please help), the exo (once again which kind?) and the rawlings 5150 Hybrid, and the SV12. Im open for other suggestions. PLEASE HELP!
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No one can help you buy a bat. You have to make the decision. The bat has to feel comfortable to you. Both the EXO and the Stealth are very good bats. My son uses an EXO. His teammate uses a Stealth. They are both good hitters. They do not like each other's bats. They're balanced differently.
It has been rolled
Bats aren't rolled to break them in faster. They are rolled to make them illegally hot. Rolling bats is advertised as break in to circumvent the law. You may have broken the law. There was a lawsuit a couple of years ago where some bat rolling companies were sued and fined heavily. Rolling bats that exceed BPF or BESR ratings are illegal. Should a player get injured on a shot off your son's bat you could be held legally responsible. How would your son emotionally cope if he knew he badly injured or crippled a competitor for life with an illegal bat? Would you want your son on the mound or playing the corners knowing the hitters were using rolled bats? Also, when you shave a bat it's no longer meets the -3 requirement by the National Federation of High School rules. It's a -4 bat. You've provided your son the ability to cheat to gain an advantage.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
It has been rolled
Bats aren't rolled to break them in faster. They are rolled to make them illegally hot. Rolling bats is advertised as break in to circumvent the law. You may have broken the law. There was a lawsuit a couple of years ago where some bat rolling companies were sued and fined heavily. Rolling bats that exceed BPF or BESR ratings are illegal. Should a player get injured on a shot off your son's bat you could be held legally responsible. How would your son emotionally cope if he knew he badly injured or crippled a competitor
for life with an illegal bat? Would you want your son on the mound or playing the corners knowing the hitters were using rolled bats? Also, when you shave a bat it's no longer meets the -3 requirement by the National Federation of High School rules. It's a -4 bat. You've provided your son the ability to cheat to gain an advantage.

RJM is spot on. Rolling bats is something we used to do in glorified slow-pitch softball leagues to gain extra power and distance and ultimately circumvent the built in safety requirements of the bat. I understand that you probably were not fully aware of the consequences that could possibly occur from rolling your son's bat, but it is extremely dangerous and illegal. Buy a new one and go about playing the game the right way.
It has been rolled
Bats aren't rolled to break them in faster. They are rolled to make them illegally hot. Rolling bats is advertised as break in to circumvent the law. You may have broken the law. There was a lawsuit a couple of years ago where some bat rolling companies were sued and fined heavily. Rolling bats that exceed BPF or BESR ratings are illegal. Should a player get injured on a shot off your son's bat you could be held legally responsible. How would your son emotionally cope if he knew he badly injured or crippled a competitor for life with an illegal bat? Would you want your son on the mound or playing the corners knowing the hitters were using rolled bats? Also, when you shave a bat it's no longer meets the -3 requirement by the National Federation of High School rules. It's a -4 bat. You've provided your son the ability to cheat to gain an advantage.

* Everyone prefers to win. Do you have the passion and work ethic to do what it takes to win? *

Where exactly does it say that 'rolling' the bat makes it illegal? It did nothing that several hundred hits in the cage wouldn't have naturally done to it.

If I intrepret your post correctly no one should ever hit their composite bat over X number of times because it might get broken in and thereby become a deadly weapon.

You got some 'splainin to do Lucy.
Look at the Anderson Nanoteck XS.

Just recieved and it a very good bat.

"The unprecedented strength of the revolutionary NanoTek Alloy allows us to build a bat with the thinnest wall in the game. The strength of the NanoTek Alloy has helped create a Launch Pad sweet spot. The NanoTek Alloy stores more energy at contact and delivers superior performance, improved feel and twice the effective hitting area of the competition. Unlike composites that gradually rise to a short-lived maximum potential,

the NanoTek XS has no break-in period,

maintaining superior performance and delivering a solid feel throughout its long life. The NanoTek brings high performance through design and innovation."
Last edited by showme
Where exactly does it say that 'rolling' the bat makes it illegal?
Another term for rolling is shaving. The inside of the bat gets shaved. It lowers the drop to -4. That's the first thing that's automatically illegal as soon as your son steps in the box. Rolling or shaving is also used to beat BESR/BPF. This is the second breaking of the rules. If your son drills a fielder with the bat and he's injured, you're in for a huge liability suit, and heaven forbid, an involuntary manslaughter charge.

It did nothing that several hundred hits in the cage wouldn't have naturally done to it.
Not true. Check the attached site and tell me that's what hitting a few hundred balls does to the bat.

bat rolling/shaving

Why do you think responsible bat rolling companies make the customer sign a waiver of liability stating the bat will only be used in hitting exhibitions?
Last edited by RJM
"NFHS rules on bats are as follows:

"Rule 1 Section 3 Articles 2-5 provide bat specifications. In short, all bats must have the BESR certification, which regulates the size and weight as well as the exit speed ratio. In short, non-wood bats must be 36" or shorter, with a maximum 2 5/8" diameter, and cannot weigh more than 3 ounces less than the bat length (in inches), as certified by the manufacturer at shipping. Alterations are illegal, particularly those that cause the bat to no longer meet the designed size, weight, and BESR performance."

Rolling a bat can improve BESR (Bat Exit Speed Ratio) performance beyond standards, therefore, this process is illegal. Research on metal and composite bats at Kettering shows a dramatic increase in BESR when juiced."

Chances are you can get away with rolling a bat. It's not visible to the eye. Morality and character defines who you are when you think no one is looking. But can you live with yourself if your son badly injures, cripples for life or kills a pitcher or corner infielder with his rolled bat? My son plays third and pitches. If a ball came off the bat ridiculously fast and injured him, I'd have the bat confiscated and checked.
Last edited by RJM
They are both good hitters. They do not like each other's bats. They're balanced differently.

That is very true, as well as some bats are stiff flex, some are more flex. My son likes the old stealth that has flex in it, some kids hate flex in their bats.And some bats as mentioned in previous posts are weighted differenty, some more in the barrel. the distribution of the weight is different.
Even in college I see players that will switch bats every at bat, and I dont know how they do that.
My son loves his bat and never uses anything else. Thankfully its the old model so we just picked up another for around 200.00 so that was a deal.
I cant believe this rolling topic. I have never heard of that.what a shame that were teaching our kids to cheat at this level of the game.
And hopefully no one is hurt.I ve seen pitchers almost hit in the face several times this year, the bats already have enough explosive pop in them.
Just recently, a kid we know was pitching and was struck in the head by a line drive. The ricochet landed in the outfield.

He suffered a terrible concussion and as a result may "medically" miss the rest of his junior year of school. Tests are still being conducted but it was a severe blow. He's "up and around" but still affected weeks later.

All who know the family, are hoping for a full recovery.

I just hope it wasn't a "rolled bat" and if it was, I hope the base hit was worth it.

BTW, he is a shining example to younger kids (work ethic/character) and always a positive influence in the dugout.

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