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Baseball Factory is a recurring Thread annually on this site. It should be moved to the Golden Oldies Thread.

Here's what the synopsis is from years of experience.

What they will provide - you can get yourself through this site...but it will take some work. The amount of work will be inversely proportional to your son's baseball talent.

They will take ANY kid and they will tell him he's a baseball factory All-American if your willing to pay to send him to all their events.

On the positive side, they'll find a DIII somewhere in America willing to let him tryout and for your considerable dollar investment your son will leave high school able to tell his friends he'll play at the next level. This may not otherwise happen if you went it alone. I'm talking kids that never started or played much in High School.

I'm convinced they have a "network" of small schools that... let's say they have a mutual relationship with Wink. These schools need players (do the math and you can see how many DIII players are needed) and for that matter students. There is a relationship, not just a correlation, between people with the resources to pay the BB Factory and people with the resources available to pay $25-45K annually to small private DIII's. When you stop to think about it you realize that the universe of average ball players is representative of the general population. That means sending Johnny to "liberal Arts U" is a tough sell -- unless you can afford it; or Johnny's a Rocket scientist in the making. This makes the available pool of rich, non rocket scientist kids able to support small private institutions that play baseball a difficult find. This makes it hardest on the baseball coach trying to recruit - hence the symbiosis with BBF. Yes, their are academic "packages" very lucrative at first glance that they will offer Johnny if he goes and plays ball. The reality of it is they would have offered it to him anyway if he could have been admitted academically and his FAFSA supported it. The school is a winner, the coach gets paid as much to recruit warm bodies to pay tuition as he does to coach. In a school of 1200 kids the athletic teams in combo can be 25 percent or more of the student body. Check it out you'll be surprised.

Bottom line if your son is marginally talented and his love of the game is so great that you'll do anything to see him be happy, and if your wallet is as big as your love and your willing to spend the equivalent of a first year at college (average) -- sign up with the Baseball factory.

One last good reason I believe parents use the BBF. Their son wants it and he either doesn't trust his parents coach etc. to get him there or; they don't want it held over their head forever if he doesn't get to play so they shell out the bucks, wash their hands and can say - we did all we could! What price is an appeased conscience worth?

If your son has talent do it yourself. Let this website and the good folks on it guide you.

"Winning is great, but learning, REMEMBERING and properly valueing what it took to get there -- is priceless."
MrMom, Sue 54 and all,

I have been loaned, by my son's High School Coach, a DVD copyrighted 2005 by Baseball Factory.

DVD Cover reads as follows:

Baseball Express
Cape Cod High School Classic
Wareham, Ma.
July 29, 2005

As seen on ESPN U

Baseball Factory
The leader in player development + college placement.

Back cover of DVD:

Large logos of Team One, Puma Baseball, and Baseball Factory

The ESPN U televised Baseball Express Cape Cod High School Classic showcased 36 of the most talented high school rising seniors and juniors form across the nation. The Cape Cod Baseball League served as the official host for the game, providing a historic setting for this event.

End of DVD cover quotes...

This game was a contest between Team One and Baseball Factory.
(Baseball Factory won 5-1 in 9 inning game)

Now I am no scout, but the talent on this DVD did not look to me like Div III talent.
Last edited by Snyder56
My point was not that BBF could only do DIII. My point was it was not necessary to spend BBF type funds if your boy was above the marginal DIII level.

If your son has some talent no need to spend BBF size $$$ but if the talent was marginal BBF WILL find somewhere for even the waterboy to be promised a shot a college baseball.

They are in it BIG TIME for the $$$.
My point was not that BBF could only do DIII. My point was it was not necessary to spend BBF type funds if your boy was above the marginal DIII level.

If your son has some talent no need to spend BBF size $$$ but if the talent was marginal BBF WILL find somewhere for even the waterboy to be promised a shot a college baseball.


If they only played D3 that was because the player could only play at that level.

They are good source of info and yes you can do it alone or with another service for less money. The problem is who to trust, a team with a solid reputation by college coaches or someone who thinks he can help and does not. We were members of the BBF and they help. We received a very good education in the process. If I had another son looking to play ball I probably would not use them because of the knowledge gained.

When you have one shot then there is nothing wrong with going with a well respected and knowledge team if you can afford it.

I did not spend a fortune for it either i went to very few events and used there knowledge and my common sense to put together a good plan and it worked out well.

If you were to go it alone and went to tons of camps and showcases you may or may not get noticed and would pay quite a bit of money. If you’re a blue chipper you will get noticed any way.

There is nothing wrong with playing D3, in the end it is about getting the best education for the future and another chance to play.

There are many kids sitting on the bench of D1 schools who will never get noticed and will rarely play.

BBF provides a service, do you buy a FORD, Cadillac or a Rolls the choice is yours but choose wisely. You do not get many 2nd chances and you need to be armed with best knowledge to reach your goals.

PS. In the Northeast College Select is one of the best outfits around.

They are in it BIG TIME for the $$$.
opinion - re:Baseball Factory & "like" recruiting services

a "recruiting service" agrees to mentor your you and your player
and promote him to colleges for a fee $$
B-F combines that service with showcase type tournaments

many other "recruiting services" only provide the mentoring & promotion for the fee $$

your resulting success with a service depends on 2 things -

the quality of the product (your player)
the quality of their guy(s) communicating with college coaches

these kind of services (like B-F) generally get shown NO LOVE here on hsbbweb,
as many posters here are "do it yourself-ers" and are very vocal about it

history shows that the knowledge gained here can lead to recruiting success
however -
common sense would also dictate that armed with hsbbweb knowlegde AND
an experienced mentor could lead you to more success

so, even tho it's "not about the money", it's really "all about the money"

good luck

Last edited by Bee>
Organizations like PG, Baseball factory, Teamone.
Provide a service to players to get there bodys in front of whomever wants to show up and see those bodys.
If you live in the hotbed of talent like So.Cal., Florida, Texas you might not need as much exposier.
Most of the top talent has been going to these same events since they were 14yrs old. No wonder there on the radar.
I've had my son to all three organizations events and he has shown well at all three.
will it get him a scholly maybe.
will it get him Drafted maybe.
Its still up to the player to decide were he fits in and persue that endeavor. The EH
As noted above, the Baseball Factory has been discussed many times on this site. don't recall ever seeing very much positive.

Perhaps they've changed over the years. went to an event about 4 or 5 years ago, pretty much nothing to the event worth talking about. Very, pricey and they just seemed to want to sell you more. From our one experience nothing there to recommend.
I hate to admit this but I really had no idea that they were a recruiting service. I do believe with this site and other info that we have that we do not need one. Our son has had some interest from some D1(smaller)D2 and a NAIA so I think that he will be fine as long as he gets some exposure. I thought that they were just a Showcase organization. Thank you for your input.
Personally, I didn't really like BBF and I like PG about 100x better. The only plus side to BBf was they forgot to bill me! clap rotlaugh... hehe

I went to a 1 day BBF event and did pretty well and they gave me a bad score but said "with their help and hard work I could get a better score," but only after signing up with them.

I feel like its more business to them then player placement.

Just my thoughts...

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