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  Went to play Jesuit HS this weekend. What a great game, as we ended up on the losing end (3-2) after 9 innings on a squeeze play. Our son pitched 7 innings to a 2-2 tie. Couldn't of asked for a better game. He faced some great hitters and went toe to toe with a few ACC pitchers. He's learning all the time. Wouldn't have it any other way. Our team is getting better all the time. next weekend we head south again to face Venice and IMG. Son gets the start Vs. IMG. Cant wait.

We finished up a 3 game series within 2 days.  Came away with one win with a 3 run homer in the next to last inning from one of our guy to put us ahead.  My son got his first save in high school ball by going 2 innings, 3 S.O., one hit batter, and no runs.  


The opposing team had 4 pitchers that could cruise at 85 mph and real effective 73 mph pitcher with a lot of movement on his ball. 


I'm keeping track of Pitch counts and average velocity of all the pitchers on boths sides for my scrap book.  


Thanks. We are in North Florida. It was fun, Son talked to us last night about the hitters and what he looked for, as to how he would pitch to them. Its has been fun watching him grow and mature as a young man as well as a player. We enjoy every minute. IMG is in Bradenton.  We play Venice Friday at 7 then IMG Saturday. Looking forward to another great weekend for son to continue to gain valuable experiences.

Originally Posted by Hunter10:

  Went to play Jesuit HS this weekend. What a great game, as we ended up on the losing end (3-2) after 9 innings on a squeeze play. Our son pitched 7 innings to a 2-2 tie. Couldn't of asked for a better game. He faced some great hitters and went toe to toe with a few ACC pitchers. He's learning all the time. Wouldn't have it any other way. Our team is getting better all the time. next weekend we head south again to face Venice and IMG. Son gets the start Vs. IMG. Cant wait.

Kennie Taylor's a nice player on the Jesuit team... Very Athletic kid..

HS tryouts start today.  Our County pushed baseball back a week due to weather.  My son has been chomping at the bit since last week.   Yesterday, out of the clear blue he says to me "at this time tomorrow I'll be playing baseball".  


HS baseball tryouts actually got my son out of bed early this AM rather than the typical yelling "get out of bed, you'll be late to school" that typically happens everyday.   I'm not sure if he is more excited about baseball, or his parents.

well we are officially done with scrimmages and the regular season is set to kickoff Monday. weather forecast says high of 25 with wintry mix. looks like first games will be pushed back, so that means more double headers. coaches still haven't posted rosters to Varsity, JV or freshmen teams. all the boys are pretty irritable about it as well. they are all quite snappy because they don't have a firm grip on where they will be, lot of the freshmen have been playing on the Jv, my son included, so I am hoping the coaches post rosters today so they can settle down. and get down to business of gelling the teams together.

Our son's HS team had their first scrimmages this weekend and my son made it through the double header.  He played third base for the first time ever, and did okay.  He batted 3/8 and we were thrilled to see that he was able to run to first base (not all that fast yet, but fast enough to get on base).  Right now we are not sure if our son will recover fully enough to earn a place on the field for his college team, but we are happy that he has recovered enough to be on the field with his HS teamates!


One thing that we have learned while watching our son come back from his injury is just how much we took for granted.  My advice is try to enjoy every minute that you get to watch your son do what he is passionate about because you never know when it could be all over...

Well my Freshman son started the second game of a double header.5 inning game he went the distance, surrendering 4 hits, gave up 2 earned runs, had 6 strike outs, only gave up one walk. on 74 pitches. he gave up the two runs in the fifth inning. i could tell he was out of gas, but the team rallied in the bottom of the fifth and gave him a 4 to 2 win. that was the most he has pitched yet as in most of the scrimmages he was only used 2 innings. not bad for his first true high school outing. games have begun and he said he feels great, and bring on summer. thanks all for listening.

We are about half way done with our season, so far we are 7-5-2. Kind of disappointing we have lost all 5 games by a combined 6 points. We have played a lot of tough schools, highly ranked and some ranked and a class above us. We start district play next week, I think we have a good shot of running through district undefeated.

Originally Posted by Mizzoubaseball:
Originally Posted by baseballmania:

Our senior pitcher threw a perfect game last night.  I wasn't aware of it until after the game and one of the parents mentioned it. 

Our as in your son, or our as in a kid on your son's team?

One of the kids on my son's team.  My son is a freshman.   The pitcher threw 86 pitches in 7 innings.  No one got on base.  

Tryouts start today in Michigan!!!  2017 doesn't though until Wednesday the way they have it set up doing upperclassmen today and tomorrow. 


Good to finally be able to post on this site after the last couple years and actually have a HS baller!!


Nervous about him being baseball rusty from just finishing swimming season but at least I know he's in shape!!  Made state finals in medley relay which extended his season and only gave him two practices with his travel team to adjust. 


Now if we can just melt the snow off the fields and get some sun we might play up here this spring!!

The HS baseball season here in Minnesota starts today !!!  Of course it had to be a bit colder today and were expecting snow later today and tonight but at least the season has started.  First game is April 4th.  Hopefully we'll have a longer season than last year; lost all most all of April due to weather and had to fit 14 games in 17 days.

WELL Junior got his first loss last Thursday. He went 3 innings threw 41 pitches gave up 5 runs on 4 hits. Only one earned run due to 6 errors by the defense. Now he is 1 and 1 on the season and has 8 innings under his belt. we lost the game 7 to 1 but he got the only rbi of the game at the plate. I was at least pleased he busted up the shutout. Opposing pitcher had a good hook and most of the kids were taking fastballs and swinging at the junk. My kid put every ball in play at the dish. It's amazing how many kids have no idea how to approach an at bat. or really how to be offensive at  the plate instead of defensive. I blame this more on coaches but it really stems from lack of competitive ball being played by some of these kids. top of the order is all competitive ball players the bottom all rec ball players. we can get them on base but driving them in is killing us. well spring break this week back in action next.

The HS season here in S. Florida is at about the midway point.  Our V team is 9-3 and tied for the district lead. Our JV team is 4-3-2, and really missing having my son in the pitching rotation.


We had 2 MLB sightings this week.  Jeff Conine was on hand to see his son play in a varsity game, and Antonio Alfonseca was managing the opposing JV squad.


My son has been handling scorekeeping for the team and shook hands with Alfonseca when he exchanged lineup cards.  After the game he tells me, "Hey the other coach had six fingers on each hand!"  I was like...."You don't know who that was?"


Of course I then realized my son was about 2 years old the last time Alfonseca was a household name. Time flies.

Here in Indiana tryouts started Monday, April 17. My 2016 LHP/OF finds out this afternoon if he makes the team. Last year got cut, but new coach, new staff and new attitude. Last year seemed the team was selected before tryouts because the seniors ran tryouts. This year, coaches are actively watching and taking notes. Timing 60s, gunning pitching, etc. Son feels he is getting a fair shake. Anecdotal comments appear promising. First games are the second week in April, season ends last week of May. State tournaments finals are the third week of June. Could mess up the summer ball season for a lot of teams.

We are 1-1 and headed down to Phoenix for Spring Break and Coach Bob Invitational. Lost a close one 5-4 Thu  - it was at Coors Field - which was pretty awesome. Some of the local HS participate in a fundraiser by selling Rockies Tickets and part of the deal is you get 1 game at Coors Field. Both teams used about 17 or 18 players so its hard to say what a normal game would have been like but - hey - good for the coaches - how many chances are these kids going to get to play in a MLB stadium.


Son has started off hot at the plate  - 4 for 6 with 3 doubles and 3 RBIs.

So far 11-5.  Son moved from #3 starter to #2 during spring break trip due to injury of #2.  Because of another situation - now moved to start HUGE district game on Tuesday.  "Luck is where preparation meets opportunity!"   Always be ready! Son had a great performance over spring break, going 6 innings with 9K against challenging team!  Bonus that college he likes came to watch!



I am often reminded of how small the baseball world is when I am on this site.  My son's HS team is playing in the Coach Bob Invitational this week also.  They are currently 3/0 for the tournament.  Yesterday they played Scottsdale Christian and my son said that it was a really good game against top competition.  Unfortunately we were not able to take off work to go watch, but our son is having a blast with his HS teamates.  They have been to a spring training game and got to watch ASU play as well.

2016 got the word Friday night he made varsity. After a week when he thought he might go down, he was as happy as can be. The deciding factor was his ability to be the back-up catcher, as they made the last cuts and the Asst. Coach told him to go downstairs to get the gear. Versatility wins. 


Played in a 9 inning varsity scrimmage on Saturday, played 6 or 7 in field at 1B. A father of one of the seniors (I have just met) knew who my son was and told me he played great D in the field. I know he struggled at plate but I'm chalking it up to some nerves. 


And last...just put together my two boys' schedules for HS/Club and MS/Travel. Four teams in all. Lots of games. Mrs. SoulSlam is overwhelmed right now. 

Good for 2016.I am sure he walks a little taller down the hallways for now.Basically went thru same thing last year with mine.Here  each team has different caps with the V being the nicest.As soon as the caps were passed out mine put away what he had been wearing and put his V cap on.Hope 2016 settles in.Mine never really got comfortable till the last 2-3 weeks at the plate.Fortunatly he made up for it on the bump.

BFS,Jr gets the start in big game tomorrow night, against the only other undefeated district team.  He has been the #2 starter this year but #1 has sore arm.  Our #1 is a D1 commit so he will be challenged to step up and keep game close.  We will see how the Freshman holds up!


He doesn't rattle easy....wish I could say the same for BFS Sr.!

First scrimmage last night. Got cold at end, started at 39 degrees and went down from there. 2014 was on the mound for start. went 5 IP 14 K, 1 BB (first batter of game), 1 HBP, 0 hits. 73 pitches against a fairly good D1 (biggest in Ohio) team. He struggled with slider and change up said he couldn't get a good feel. But FB was really moving and had, I would guess, mid to high 80's speed.

I might not last thru the season watching my son's team play.  They have made 27 errors in 5 games.  That is not an exaggeration as I'm the scorekeeper and those are all legit errors.  There are many more that are not errors but plays that should have been made.  Yet they are 4-1 in those 5 games.  My son is 2-0 and hasn't given up an earned run yet so that's great.  Team is really young, started 4 freshman yesterday.  He's the only senior playing.  

Dave I really feel for you.I can't really fathom how I personally would handle(Inside) your currant situation with my guy being a senior.I went thru exact same thing last year.Unfortunatly not with a record that hides things to the guys first start last year the team had 9 errors in less than 6 full.Somehow the team was up 5-4 when my guy finally got pulled.Game played out in 8 innings with our guys committing 13 E.And like you that didn't count all the other things.The only thing for me was  there were 3 more years and there was no way anything could get much worse.On a brighter note the last 1/4 of the season things got a lot better.We lost our regional semi by 1 run and other than one great catch by the other team could have won game by 3.It just sucks theres no next year at current level.Just try to remember this is not the first time a kid had to go thru this.And ya never know things could turn.Best of luck going forward.

Well junior is now 3 and 1 on the season. And getting better every outing, team is 6 and 5. He went 4and1/3 innings 2 hits 1 earned run ( more on that later)9k's. Son had a shut out going into the fifth. Leaves my son on mound and subs all second string players in including catcher. Son strikes out 1 st batter but catcher is struggling catching and ends up dropping third strike and catcher doesnt throw to first. Runner safe. Then junior is a lefty and catches R1 leaning towards second and makes the throw to first,has runner picked off and second string first baseman throws ball away runner safe at second. This is were my son needs to learn to control his emotion. He began pitching next batter with to much emotion and ump sees and can feel it. And ends up walking him mostly cause catcher could not catch one pitch all bounced out of catchers glove. I could see steam coming out of my sons ears. Coach goes to mound and takes my son out and tells him my fault I thought catcher could do a better job.


    We had a six run lead going into fifth. And I understand coach needing to get second string some playing time. But we start district play next week. and my son was ok with coaches decision but he was bummed he didn't get tofinish cause the second string allowed the runners to score so he got tagged with the earned run. All of this on top of four errors behind him.


but it fun watching my son grow as a pitcher. But he is struggling at the plate, he is starting 1b when not on mound. He is 0 for 12 in last 3 games average has fell from 350 to 250 and that is truly messing with his thought process at the plate. His swing still looks good and he is making contact, no strikeouts in last 12 ab's just a bad case of hit it right at em. Ok I am done rambling, high school season goes fast gentleman enjoy it while you can.

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