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All the good ones were taken Mad

"Trying to sneak a fastball past Hank Aaron is like trying to sneak a sunrise past a rooster."
Joe Adcock

"To the fierce, ardent leather-lunged professional fan, baseball is life itself, a motive for breathing, the yeast that helps his spirit,as well as his gorge, rise.
Jim Bouton

"Bob Gibson is the luckiest pitcher I ever saw. He always pitches when the other team doesn't score any runs."
Tim McCarver

Play every game as if it were your last
"When I was a boy growing up in Kansas, a friend of mine and I talked about what we wanted to do when we grew up. I told him I wanted to be a real major league baseball player, a genuine professional like Honus Wagner. My friend said that he'd like to be president of the United States. Neither of us got our wish."

Dwight D. Eisenhower

"I never say I have no-hit stuff. I know all it takes is one pitch."

Nolan Ryan (May 1, 1991 after 7th no-hitter)

If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're probably right.

"You can't hit what you can't see."
Ping Bodie (NYY 1918-21) Speaking on Walter Johnson
"If someone tells me I can't do something, it becomes more of a challenge. In high school, I was always considered a good pitcher, but I was never considered the best. The thing was, though, I felt I was the best. When people who don't have any idea what they're talking about say something bad about me, tell me tht I'll fail, it just adds fuel to me fire. Everybody wants to win, but it burns much deeper in me than it does in other people. That's my edge. It's always like 'I'll show you.'"
--Roger Clemens
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not really a quote..but a cute baseball tidbit..

The boy said, "I'm the best batter in the whole world."

He boy tossed the ball up into the air. He swung the bat. And missed. "Strike one", he said.

He tossed the ball up into the air. Missed again and almost fell down swinging.

"Wow, that's strike two."

Then he tossed it back up into the air. And yes he missed it again. "Strike three."

The boy picked up the ball and tossed it into the air one more time and was heard saying.

"Hmm...Now, I'm the best pitcher. Because I just struck out the best batter in this part of the world...."

The boy exclaimed.
"One time he (Cool Papa Bell) hit a line drive right past my ear. I turned around and saw the ball hit his *** sliding into second." Satchel Paige

"It helps if the hitter thinks you're a little crazy." Nolan Ryan

"Every hitter likes fastballs just like everybody likes ice cream. But you don't like it when someone's stuffing it into you by the gallon. That's how you feel when (Nolan) Ryan's throwing balls by you." - Reggie Jackson
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This was sent to my son a few years back from Arizona State. He still has it hanging on his bulletin board.

There comes a time in a little boys life when baseball is first introduced to him. Thus begins the long journey for those meant to play the game at a higher level, for those who love the game so much they still strive to be part of its history.
Author Unknown
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Here's just a few from the King:

Yogi Berra

"All pitchers are liars or crybabies."
"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."
"Baseball is ninety percent mental. The other half is physical."
"Bill Dickey is learning me his experience."
"He hits from both sides of the plate. He's amphibious."
"How can a you hit and think at the same time?"
"I always thought that record would stand until it was broken."
"I can see how he (Sandy Koufax) won twenty-five games. What I don't understand is how he lost five."
"I don't know (if they were men or women fans running naked across the field). They had bags over their heads."
"If people don't want to come out to the ballpark, how are you going to stop them?"
"I'm a lucky guy and I'm happy to be with the Yankees. And I want to thank everyone for making this night necessary."
"I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did."
"In baseball, you don't know nothing."
"I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?"
"I never said most of the things I said."
"It ain't the heat, it's the humility."
"It gets late early out there."
"I think Little League is wonderful. It keeps the kids out of the house."
"It's like deja vu all over again."
"I wish everybody had the drive he (Joe DiMaggio) had. He never did anything wrong on the field. I'd never seen him dive for a ball, everything was a chest-high catch, and he never walked off the field."
"Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets."
"Nobody goes there anymore because it's too crowded."
"So I'm ugly. I never saw anyone hit with his face."
"Take it with a grin of salt."
"The game's isn't over until it's over."
"The towels were so thick there I could hardly close my suitcase."
"You can observe a lot just by watching."
"You should always go to other people's funerals, otherwise, they won't come to yours."
"You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going because you might not get there."
"We made too many wrong mistakes."
"When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
this i the best quote i have ever found

"You get out there, and the stands are full and everybody's cheerin'. It's like everybody in the world come to see you. And inside of that there's the players, they're yakkin' it up. The pitcher throws and you look for that pill... suddenly there's nothing else in the ballpark but you and it. Sometimes, when you feel right, there's a groove there, and the bat just eases into it and meets that ball. When the bat meets that ball and you feel that ball just give, you know it's going to go a long way. ****, if you don't feel like you're going to live forever."
- 8 Men Out
"I ain't ever had a job, just always played baseball." Satchel Paige

And from the hilarious Casey Stengel,

"Everybody line up in alphabetical order, according to your height."

"We're doing a lot better than before, now we lose in extra innings."

"He has more speed than any slugger and more slug than any speedster," on Mickey Mantle

"He threw the ball as far from the bat and as close to the plate as possible," on Satchel Paige.
Buck O'Neil, star of the negro league and featured in Ken Burns documentary, was in town to receive an honorary degree from the high school he was not allowed to attend as a student, and have a local baseball complex named after him. It was during the baseball strike, and at the back of the room where he was being honored were a host of Orioles minor leaguers and replacement players. His words to them...

"If you want it bad enough, it's there for you."
I have several motivational banners strung across the walls of my activity room where I teach 1st and 2nd grade PE. They don't apply just to baseball but really can be applied to many life experiences.

One of my favorites is "You are not finished when you lose. You are finished when you quit."

I use that one when I try to instill in these kids that you should always try your hardest because you can still feel very good about yourself even in those times when you (or your team) don't come out on the winning end of a other words, you can still be a winner even when you lose as long as you've given everything you've got every single time.

Some of them never seem to "get it" but I hope the message gets across to a lot of them and that they remember it and make the decision to keep striving for their goals and dreams and never quit.

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