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Watching our softball team play last week and a situation arose that got me thinking.  We had two runners called out in the game because they interfered with the SS.  The second one was a no doubter as our runner made contact with the SS before she had a chance to field the ball.  The first one is what I have a question about.  Let me preface this by saying I didn't really see the whole play because I was texting.  So I'm going to use this situation to just ask a question.  I'm pretty sure that there was no contact on the play so what would be the reason(s) our runner was called out here? 


Would something like slowing down, stuttering step or something along those lines be cause for a runner being out?  Is this the same at all levels?


Sorry for not being able to provide the whole picture so whatever insight you can provide would help.



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Thanks guys and that's what I thought it was.  Like I said I didn't see what she did but my guess is she did something out of the ordinary which lead to the call.


What's funny is in 20 years of coaching baseball I've seen maybe two calls like this.  In this game there were three calls - two on our team and one on the other.  Funny how baseball and softball are like this.

Originally Posted by coach2709:

Thanks guys and that's what I thought it was.  Like I said I didn't see what she did but my guess is she did something out of the ordinary which lead to the call.


What's funny is in 20 years of coaching baseball I've seen maybe two calls like this.  In this game there were three calls - two on our team and one on the other.  Funny how baseball and softball are like this.

Smaller field, players in closer proximity...


I think if I ever set foot on a softball field, I would feel like I'm in a mall.

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