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I feel for that young man, but suing the bat maker is what this world has come to.
You need to read up on that case before commenting on it. To be ignorant of what it actually is, and trying to use it to advance your argument is foolish. I am surprised that so many people still misquote it with as many documentaries and papers/commentaries written on it. Here's a good place for you to start - or
You need to read up on that case before commenting on it. To be ignorant of what it actually is, and trying to use it to advance your argument is foolish. I am surprised that so many people still misquote it with as many documentaries and papers/commentaries written on it. Here's a good place for you to start - or
Was just about to post the same, though maybe not quite so angrily! PA2016BSD - I shared your opinion about the McDonalds coffee case until I saw the above documentary a couple of years back. MyTime is correct, it's a good reference point to eject from your vernacular moving forward. Turns out McDonalds was entirely at fault... It wasn't a frivolous lawsuit at all. Don't feel bad, McDonalds did a great job smearing the plaintiff and the facts.
Still... The Seinfeld episode that touches on this is funny nonetheless.
All the bat co. has been purposely making hotter and hotter bats with little regards to safety and circumventing BESR and BBF rules, so finally BBCOR came out. (and you have to wonder why BBCOR came out because of too many home runs or liability). Im not saying I side with the player, but the bat co is all about profit not about safety.
I tried to google some more facts on this case, but cannot find much. I still don't understand how the judge ruled in the plaintiff's favor in the first place, unless if they somehow discovered through testing that the bat in question was abnormal and more dangerous. That does not seem to have happened, as the decision was overturned. The new judgment seems reasonable. Our little kids all wear facemasks at pitcher (up until 8 years old); wouldn't be surprised if they become more widespread with a few more of these cases.
Here is one for everybody. Several years ago a kid made an all league team and was playing the outfield and he missed a fly ball and broke his nose. The parents sued the coaches because he never played the outfield before and had not been given instruction.
Here is one for everybody. Several years ago a kid made an all league team and was playing the outfield and he missed a fly ball and broke his nose. The parents sued the coaches because he never played the outfield before and had not been given instruction.
The two biggest misinformed situations still used to make a point ...
1) McDonald's lost a frivolous lawsuit to a gold digger
2) Michael Jordan was once cut from high school basketball