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What do you you all think on bat waggling. One day I tried it and for some reason it seems more comfortable then holding your bat still behind your head in (power position). The problem is, is I dont know if this will mess up my swing machanics.
Suggestions would help, Thanks
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For some its the large bat waggle such as sheffield, for others its a small circular motion with bat, some prefer almost no movement.
Some twitch their fingers similar to Coco Crisp.
Some set the bat on their shoulder and then set it into a preload position on the pitchers first move.

Yaz held it very high.

the whatever is whatever the player does that feels good to him in that time between setting himself in the box and the time he needs to be in a good preload position.

Personally, I prefer the preload position with a small circular movement.

you said it before I did--- each good hitter has his own trigger mechanism---if it works dont mess with it--just the same with hitting stances--

I am not a hitting instructor for money , I have no hitting faciltiy, but I can cue our players to certain things--if the hitter is hitting well we leave him alone--if he is not hitting well, a short time in the cage and we can have him back on track

Keep in mind that there is no general "fix it" formula--he kid is different and needs the one on one attention


You can do it your way --we will do it our way
Last edited by TRhit

I spent last Saturday through this wednesday watching my son play in the NH American Legion State tournament. I saw every imaginable hitting style you can think of. Some I cringed at, but you know what, for that works.

I also saw a couple of NECBL games this summer, and you see the same thing there. These are some of the best collegiate players, and there preswing habits are all over the lot.

To me there is a difference though from a player with years of expereince who has found a comfort level and a young player just trying to develop a consistent swing. I am a firm believer in the KISS methodology. That is why I feel when working with a young player, it is best to teach him to hold the bat in the preload position, and allow him to use a small "waggle". LOL...Simply emulating your favorite MLB player is not the way to go. I watched a 9 yr old kid in little league tryouts this year trying to emulate Jason Varitek. Jayson is a very good MLB hitter, but i would not recommend a 9 yr old start with his bat position.
Let's not forget that Sheffield is a major-league all-star who has taken millions and millions of swings in his life and has found what works for him. Whether it's Shef's waggle or Coco's fingers, it keeps his body moving (the inertia rule) but it may also keeps his mind relaxed.

As a rule, you do not want to go from a dead stand-still to a swing (inertia again...this game is all about inertia and getting your body going in the right direction before you have to take the action like throwing, fielding, or swinging).

Find something that relaxes you and puts you at ease. For Shef it's the waggle. For Coco it's the fingers. For me it was a miniscule sway front to back. Something to get you moving, relaxed, and into a good hitting position.

Like everyone has said in their own words, it's about being relaxed and ready to hit. JUST DON'T MOVE YOUR EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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