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Was just watching a little bit of a mid-week college game on the internet.  Ended up being a no-harm outcome, but am wondering what the call would be if there had been consequences.

Runner on first.  Batter hits a high, easy fly to left and hustles it out.  Rounding first, the batter collides with the first base umpire and they both end up sprawled on the ground.  The runner, having gone half-way, is coming back to first and literally leap frogs over batter (who is on his hands and knees by this point) to get back to first.  Ends up being no throw to first, but if the runner had been doubled-up, is the collision and pile-up involving the batter and the umpire just disregarded?



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R1, fly ball to left, and BR runner collides with U1?  In fair territory? Makes no sense.

In any case, it's the runner's responsibility to know where the umpire is.  Field umpire interference can only occur on hit ball before it passes infielders. Plate umpire interference on throw by C to a base to make play on runner. Other than that, play on.

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