This winter I will be working at a batting cage. As a worker, I will be getting free tokens to hit. I plan on hitting every day for as long as I can. What I have found though, is since I pretty much know here the ball is going to be (In or sometimes changes height), I am leaning forward. Although I always make good contact,I figure that If I was in a real game, I wouldn't know it was going to be a strike, and the results would differ (Make sense?). Would it be a good idea to have a friend stand behind me and say "Hit!" when the ball is mid-way, or "NO". If he sais "No" then I would have to make sure I watch the ball into the mitt, which would force me to stay back. If he sais "Hit!", I would have to stay compact because I would have less time to make contact. Does anyone think this is a good idea?
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