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Money quote:

I flipped my bat. I’m human. The emotion got to me. It’s in my DNA. If you think that makes me a jerk, that’s fine. But let’s call it what it is. Let’s not have these loaded conversations about “character” and the integrity of the game every time certain players show emotion in a big moment. That kind of thinking is not just old school. It’s just ignorant. 


And it is slowly becoming extinct.

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I have to say that it's rare when an argument can turn around my thinking. This article, however, brought me around. When he flipped that bat, I will admit that my first reaction was disgust and a general feeling that he had disrespected the game I love and the competition that it embodies. It's time to realize, though, that the culture of the game has changed as has the demographics of those who play it. It's a young man's game - always has been and who am I to judge the current generation based on my own standards of what is and what isn't "disrespectful." Now, Kent Murphy's bat flips might be taking it a little too far, though.

I must be new school.  to think that throwing at a batter is "justified" but a bat flip is "disrespectful" just does not jive.  Also, have you seen some of the pitchers gestures when they send someone down?  I think it all has to do with intent.  Last year we were playing a "vocal" team.  Our catcher would normally flip the ball a little bit on a 3rd out KO.  As the other team became more "vocal", you could see our catcher start flipping the ball a little higher (had a good pitcher going).  The first casual flip went unnoticed,  The fourth flip - about 10 feet high while backpedaling towards our dugout, clearly communicated the message.  A quick bat flip while watching the ball clear the fence - fine.  A flip while staring at the pitcher - maybe not so cool.



I liked the article a lot and it changed my mind about the bat flip.  I have to admit though that I was skeptical about how well written it was.  Hate to admit this but not knowing anything about the guy except that he's a great hitter, I just assumed he COULDN'T be that articulate.  Then I found this, which may not surprise anyone else, but it surprised me.



Originally Posted by smokeminside:



I liked the article a lot and it changed my mind about the bat flip.  I have to admit though that I was skeptical about how well written it was.  Hate to admit this but not knowing anything about the guy except that he's a great hitter, I just assumed he COULDN'T be that articulate.  Then I found this, which may not surprise anyone else, but it surprised me.



Agreed.  A really impressive guy.  gotta send this one to my son.


Originally Posted by SluggerDad:
Originally Posted by smokeminside:



I liked the article a lot and it changed my mind about the bat flip.  I have to admit though that I was skeptical about how well written it was.  Hate to admit this but not knowing anything about the guy except that he's a great hitter, I just assumed he COULDN'T be that articulate.  Then I found this, which may not surprise anyone else, but it surprised me.



Agreed.  A really impressive guy.  gotta send this one to my son.


Yes, I think this is great.  Wow.


Originally Posted by smokeminside:



I liked the article a lot and it changed my mind about the bat flip.  I have to admit though that I was skeptical about how well written it was.  Hate to admit this but not knowing anything about the guy except that he's a great hitter, I just assumed he COULDN'T be that articulate.  Then I found this, which may not surprise anyone else, but it surprised me.



Good find - great article

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