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Originally Posted by driller:

That would be waaaaay toooo forward thinking of the folks that are in charge !!!  These quarter finals could have been played @ say 2:30+- and then the winners head over to Landstown and play the semis @ say 6 and 8:30 tonite ? Hmmm..... This years Beach tourney could be the last for some to be supervising and making "decisions".... I have a bad feeling that some of the other teams are not going to be happy about NOT getting a chance to win their way to ODU next Monday ! 

I'd like to make a motion to find a new Beach District baseball chairman/commissioner for the immediate future. All those in favor...........

Originally Posted by monstercup:

Seems after a week of this "stuff" they would lean forward on finding alternate fields, and I agree with Driller, this is gonna hurt the #2 seed whoever that ends up being the most.

He didn't even need alternate fields. They should've played most of the day on Saturday, when it was sunny outside, and they should've played on Monday after the 10-15 minute light down poor when it was also sunny outside. After those two "bad calls", they furthermore could have played more than one game yesterday (they're typically called "double-headers" in baseball in case anyone was unaware), as Mr. Driller so kindly mentioned, and be one game closer to determining a second representative for the Beach district. It really is just a shame that these games couldn't have been played and two Beach district teams could be preparing for their regional opponents over the weekend rather than concluding the tournament 48 hours prior to the start of regionals (and that's not even bringing into account the entire pitching aspect and consequences that Cox/Landstown/OL will be faced with). #tweetsyforbeachcommish2014

Clear skies do not make a playable field. Lack of standing water makes a playable field and you have to actually be at the field to see that. It was a lake. Just cause one section of the beach didn't get poured on doesn't mean the other section faired as well nor does one field drain like the next. As far as an 8:30 start time for a game,I would think SOL week played into lack of late night ball games. I realize I don't have all the facts, and other things could have been done, but LHS on Saturday was a no-go as well as today. 

Originally Posted by hitking:

Clear skies do not make a playable field. Lack of standing water makes a playable field and you have to actually be at the field to see that. It was a lake. Just cause one section of the beach didn't get poured on doesn't mean the other section faired as well nor does one field drain like the next. As far as an 8:30 start time for a game,I would think SOL week played into lack of late night ball games. I realize I don't have all the facts, and other things could have been done, but LHS on Saturday was a no-go as well as today. 

You're absolutely right Mr. Hitking, clear skies do not make a baseball field playable; however, the proper resources and adequate tools/supplies certainly do. I know for a fact that they ordered extra turface/quick-dry earlier in the week for this very reason, and I have seen with my own eyes the amount of rakes/shovels/brooms/buckets/etc. over at Landstown, so if it's a matter of man-power, or lack there of, then one would like to hope that next time maybe they/he should pick up the phone and contact some people who know how to prepare a wet field. I am also by no means trying to throw the LHS players/staff/parents under the bus, as I don't feel that they are obligated/responsible for the final decisions that are to be made, and I also believe that they do a wonderful job of hosting the Beach district every year. Having said that, the field could have easily been playable Saturday, Monday and today.


Hopefully this will be a learning experience. nothing you can do about the weather, seems there is opportunity to improve the planning and backup planning, coordination of resources, And decision making. It's just hard to believe there wasn't a way to get 7 2 hour baseball games played in less than 8 days. Real bummer for the 2 seeds, appears that richmond is dealing with the same issue. I am sure someone will shoot holes through this comment, but why not play the final 3 games tomorrow. Schools out at 2, games 330, 6, and 830? No sols to study for, keep 40 teenagers off the street friday night, practice for region on saturday, 1 more day to rest pitchers. What am i missing?

What happens if Kellam loses though...? Still think those two teams aren't going to throw anyone they'll need in regionals??? I wouldn't be surprised to see Kellam throwing off to save pitching and OL beat them on the final day of the regular season. I'm just saying, it's not impossible. Things would really get interesting then!
@ Pirates21 - That would make way too much sense!!! Love your thinking though! You could even play the first two games at the home team site at 330 and play back at Landstown at 730 for the championship so their is no unfair advantage.
Originally Posted by rainoutsux:

If they don't play the championship until Saturday I have a strong belief that no one is going to throw anyone they might need the first two days at regionals. This could turn into quite the shootout.


Originally Posted by hitking:
Games moved to sayurday. No times yet

Wow what a worst case scenario! looks like Driller's doomsday prediction that teams may not have a chance to win their way in may come true. I think we were all trying to be optimistic that the lack of creativity to try to get 3 games in would not bite the beach in the butt. Looks like Kellam will pitch Sam in the 1st game tomorrow and Turner in the 2nd game! “Right”.

 And now #2 has to win possibly 2 games on saturday and burn 14 inninigs of pitching. I thought I would never say this, but here goes, if Kellam wins game 1, I hope both teams in the finals line up, put their hands over their heart to listen to the national anthem, shake hands and go home!!

Not good beach. Cox’s field if tarped has proven to withstand lots of water this year. I know that at the GNBL facility nearby there are lots of brooms, etc. Heck we could have tarped the whole darn field if we had too and then be rolling it up right now! Good luck team #2 your only going up against GB a national ranked team with a #1 draft pick on the bump with 1 day in between, no days to prepare and no pitching left. Perfect.

Hey Scott and Landstown much thanks for all the hard work. Better luck next year!!

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