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This post is here because if I posted it in the umpires forum most would not see it--Big Joe West, MLB Umpire, issued a public defamation of the Yankees and Red Sox--yes they play long games and the fans love it--great baseball--it is part of the Yankee/RedSox lore going back to old Giant/Dodger battles in NYC

If they have a problem with time then inject the rules that are there--do not go public like a baby--is this overwieght umpire missing his fourth meal because of the game time--he should know that restaurants, and good ones, stay open late in Boston

I thought umpires were to be seen and not heard--guess the HS syndrome has reached the pros

Not a good thing
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Most of the college umpires I have seen this year, seem to be late for a meal as well.It is like they want the game over.Last week there were 28 strikeouts on Friday, 20 on Saturday.Pitching was good, but not that good.I have never seen such a wide strike zone.I thought once in D1 baseball it would be better.

They are getting paid, whats the problem.If they don't want to do it , stay home.They ruin the game when they rush is to be savored.(LOL)
Why not go a ball or two higher and a ball lower... not 12 inches off the plate (that guy usually doesn't call the inside half a strike though) ????

I know I thought most guys go inside to far or outside but not both.And then high and low below the knees.Watching kids strike out looking, and they aren't even close.One kid struck out three times in a game and said he didnt see a strike the entire night.

I know a player has to adjust, but sometimes they just cant even get to the ball.its been for the most part pretty bad.
Originally posted by TRhit:
This post is here because if I posted it in the umpires forum most would not see it--Big Joe West, MLB Umpire, issued a public defamation of the Yankees and Red Sox--yes they play long games and the fans love it--great baseball--it is part of the Yankee/RedSox lore going back to old Giant/Dodger battles in NYC

If they have a problem with time then inject the rules that are there--do not go public like a baby--is this overwieght umpire missing his fourth meal because of the game time--he should know that restaurants, and good ones, stay open late in Boston

I thought umpires were to be seen and not heard--guess the HS syndrome has reached the pros

Not a good thing

Ahhhh, TWit, always good for half-cocked, half informed opinion.

The complaints that come into MLB on the lenth of games come from fans,and (GASP!!) ML managers and owners, who have directed the umpires to attempt to get control over those things that cause games to go on and on.

However, the mechanic of this is unseen by fans. Instead of penalizing offenders at the time of offense, MLb has directed umpires to report offenders after the game and they are fined by the league.

Umpires are doing the job they have been directed to do.

Just like your posts on the umpire forum, you just seem to enjoy b!tching and you never allow the facts and reality to get in your way.
Last edited by Jimmy03
Jimmy we know TR and the umping members dont get along but he will have plenty of support with this one.
Im a yankees and a sox fan. I watched all 3 games and there was nothing out of line about the time management as far as the players go. There were not that many conferences, not a lot of stalling, few were the times that a pitcher faced only one batter etc.
I want to see great players playing well; I dont care if ortiz steps out or posada goes to the mound when the bases are loaded and the pitcher is uncertain. I want to see the best effort, not a hurried performance because an ump wont let these things happen. Too Long?? I dont rember anybody holding me in my seat past the time i wanted to be there.

WRT the other fellas comment about Braves/Cubs I can see why u might get tired of watching those games but even so what stops u from leaving??
Last edited by Just Me
something about those games that stood out to me. it looked like they were waiting for the tv station to come back from commercials.

this may have gone on for years. but i recall tv sneaking commercials in where the could. not the game waiting for them. i guess in that big a viewing, get your money's worth?

i play in a golf tourney that joe plays in, he can hit a golf ball 300+ from both sides. we meet oftain at the steamship roast table Big Grin.
Originally posted by Just Me:
Jimmy we know TR and the umping members dont get along but he will have plenty of support with this one.
Im a yankees and a sox fan. I watched all 3 games and there was nothing out of line about the time management as far as the players go. There were not that many conferences, not a lot of stalling, few were the times that a pitcher faced only one batter etc.
to see the best effort, not a hurried performance because an ump wont let these things happen. Too Long?? I dont rember anybody holding me in myI want to see great players playing well; I dont care if ortiz steps out or posada goes to the mound when the bases are loaded and the pitcher is uncertain. I want seat past the time i wanted to be there.

Again, MLB states that the complaints about long games come from fanas, managers and owners. MLB has directed the umpires to report violations and then it issues fines.

Statistcally, the Yankees and Sox are among the slowest teams in the majors with more trips by catchers and infielders, longer pitching changes, more time outs requested by batters...and the list goes on.

The OWNERS have taken the lead in this, not the umpires.
Last edited by Jimmy03

The Yankees and Red Sox may be the longest games but they are the best baseball drama you can get---what other two teams can give you this drama and excitement--

And what give West the right to go ballistic as he did---As you say this is supposed to go thru the Baseball Offices not thru the media

And to top it off the guy is not a good umpire-just ask the players
Originally posted by TRhit:

And to top it off the guy is not a good umpire-just ask the players


West is an enigma to the players, witnessed by the fact that for five years he came in the top five of the best umpires in a player survey and also in the top five of the worst umpires in the same player survey.

They seem to love him or hate him. No middle road.
Last edited by Jimmy03

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