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Everyone who was at Rosemont....

Just got back from ISU...Words of advice...Go outside to your car and be CERTAIN that the spare tire has air/doesn't have a slow leak!

Be certain that your cell phone is always fully charged.

Be certain that the 5 people in the world that can help you, keep their cells "ON" and not in the voicemail mode. (One of the reasons why we have cell phones is for "emergencies" on the roads. Started when those girls were found on the interstates in Iowa and Illinois years ago.)

Be certain you carry $150 cash around to pay for "hook up" and towing cash and up front; and, keep an extra $100 around for a new tire and mounting.

I'm sure the meeting went fine.

Would have called Corky but I didn't have his number with me.

Corky....Thanks for all that you have done. I'll make it up to you down the road.

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