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First of all Planoeast86 refer to the comment from txhsbaseball in the thread that got my comment going. Next read between the lines and figure out what team I support. Next learn how to structure a sentence "Plano east beat lost to a very good bell team"???? however I do want to know, did Stuart pop off the mound after the triple and puff out his chest?
Dang, this isn't as fun now! I thought I was reeling in a parent, looks like it's just a snot nosed player. You could have some fun this summer! Go find Sam carpenters team and go tell the right fielder and his dad that they are punk a###s. You know Sam carpenters team, one of the best summer teams in the nation this year. You must still be playing on your daddy's summer team!
Originally posted by Gooch and Sniff:
Can't believe no one is talking about the HR that was somehow called foul. Cost East from moving on today. Hate to see that- great series though.

Yes Gooch. Was clearly a HR by East leadoff hitter in top of 6th. Bell LFer did a excellent job of deaking the 3rd base ump. Bell LFer dives in foul ground almost up against the wall and has everyone watching him instead of the ball. If he was taught this or did on instinct.... kudos to him. Ball goes into net at Coppell and everyone is watching if LFer is going to show the ball. Umps are baffled but has no other choice than to call it foul. Didn't see it so can't call it a HR. Umps are human and give the LFer and academy award.
Last edited by ExWrangler
Originally posted by Bat_Man:
Originally posted by planoeast86:
punk *** Colleyville b#@!$ *** team!!!

WOW...Is this what you really think about the whole Colleyville Baseball Team?

I think that there is only a lot of respect for the CH team they are a great bunch of players and great bunch of young men As for a lot of the comments that were said by a lot of the CH parents in the stands not all but some tempers flared but unfortunately some people cannot let things go. Some people just have to get the last word and cannot act like adults
I think that if you could take those people out of the game I dont think we are have this discussion. I believe both teams have a lot of good young men that respect the game play it hard and it only takes one or two to lose site of what really was a great series.
ExWrangler- You can say that umps are human but it does not change the fact that 4 umps (supposedly top notch) lost sight of the most important thing in the game- THE BALL!

As a fan, I am embarrassed for what went on and for how the opportunity was taken away for the Plano East kids to move on in the tournament. I am not saying that they would have held on and won, but what a difference in momentum when the ruling was made.

Hats off to the East Baseball Team and Coaches- classy program (they handled it better than I would have)!

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