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For the record I think the USAsportsrankings isn't exactly a joke but misleads people greatly. Our team wasn't even ranked because we weren't elite. We've faced elite teams and won against many. Beat the clubbers..beat barrington big red too in wisconsin. Lost to lake zurich in a close game..thing was they used bats that weren't high school standards even though it was a high school standards tourny. Can't really say whos the best until each team has faced everybody can ya. By the way keep a look out for Carl Sandburg freshies comin out we're supposed to have a talented group but who knows.
Oh and to add to thread for us Sandburg guys (I won't include myself cause dunno if I deserve it)

Alex Kazmierski (OP Magic)
John Wilson (OP Magic0
Nick Kujawa (OP Magic)
Bobby Newman (OP Magic)
Tony Stramaglia (OP Magic)
Troy Joseph (OP Magic)
Eric Duncan (OP Magic)
Lucas Fritch (Tinley Park Bobcats Elite)
Ian O'Connor (OP Sparks)

And many others from the OP Stars, Tinley Bulldogs (only me actually), and more.

If you were not rank it because your team did not sign up for the service. You team seemed like they had some success last year. Your posts have always been complimentary and respectful to your peers. Always humble of your own talents. Nothing wrong with either of those attributes!

Just a couple questions directly to you if you want to answer...what is the strongest skill that you will bring to your high school team this year? What are the three areas that you need to improve upon to be considered a varsity selection? Third question to follow.

P.M. me if you have any questions. Never have posted to promote my private interests on this venue. Love the sight since my discovery last year. Now the freshman college player is posting from time to time and one more young lad to see through the high school experience. Hope he shares his experience as well at some point. Mom and Dad were goes way too fast.

I think if there's anything that I'll bring to the team this year it could either be 1 of 2 things. Last year I had great success on the mound and felt like I had good movement. I was able to compete with some of the juniors and seniors in fall ball too (guys from Sandburg and other high schools). If not that I hope to bring a good attitude. When I was 13 and last year as 14 I was made team leader by our coaches because they said I had heart and dedication plus leader skills. I hope if I don't succeed that my team mates will (in Sandburg) and I hope to get guys who might want to slack off to keep it up. It's looking far ahead but there's nothing I want more than to be able to say Sandburg was state champs when I was there and to be all-state. Big dreams, but anythings possible.
Woops forgot my weaknesses which could actually be more important than anything. For 1 my glove needs to improve. I love the outfield but you put me in at infield and I get a bit nervous and tend to make some errors. I'm also working on not only hitting inside pitches solidly but the outside ones too. Trying to wait back more and put the ball the other way. Doesn't come easy but it sure is comin. Lastly I want to improve my accuracy. Even though I did have success I feel I could be more accurate. I want to be able to paint that black over and over again with ease.

We were a little in between post. Third questions.....How many incoming freshman are thinking about what skills they need to have improve at 10:00 at night this evening? Pretty impressive!!!! Seek help from others or fiqure it out yourself. Use this website to help you...I would think that you have a lot of "standing" on this site after your past posts.

One last point, promote yourself!! Not cockey but earned respect. Remember "respect is earned by example."

Yea I would agree not too many freshman are doing what I do at 10:00 at night. A lot of what I think is baseball so I think right there I get an edge over guys. I absolutely loves this site and it has helped me in many ways. I'm trying to promote myself to the coaches in a subtle way. I know the varsity coach to where I can talk to him. I'm not ******* up or anything I'm just showing them I work hard (hittin the weights hard and staying later to do more which no other freshman do) and asking the coaches for tips. I coudln't be happier with my situation but I still have no garuntee to that team. I'll keep you updated..tryouts february 27th. I'm countin down!

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