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indianaman- i think the profesonals pick songs that represent them and that pump them up and help them put there game faces on. whats the reason u would wanna step up 2 the plate with bob blasting in the back ground? probably the same reason everyone else picks there..i would wanna step up 2 the plate with some rap song goin just bc the loud bass being able 2 get me ready for what lies ahead. so i think it all depends on ur personality and what puts u in that state of mind.
I worked in the bullpen for a Northern League team last summer. They had some interesting songs. An older white veteran had the rap song "lean back" as his song. A little different for a larger white guy in his mid 30s that didn't seem like the rap listening type. We also had a few country songs, ie:The Duke's of Hazard Theme song, and a Chris Ledoux song as well. There were also some of the regular hard rock songs as well.

Personally, my song for the last 2 years has been Kenny Chesney's "She Thinks My Tractor's ****." The rest of the guys hate it, but it's a fan favorite. I like the fiddle at the beginning, it gets me pumped. Don't ask me how a kid from the south side of Chicago gets pumped by fiddles, but I do.

I say don't worry too much about a song though. I've discussed having music on during bp and before at bats with a few people that think it's too much of a distraction to the player. They say it makes the player worry more about what song is playing than actually playing. I can see that argument, but I like having something on during bp that gets me going. Believe it or not, I don't really hear the music being played before I hit. It's already the background track in my head as I'm on deck checking everything out before my at bat.
Originally posted by Kungaloosh:
Are there actually high school field sound systems that have the ability to do that??

We have a microphone and it's connected to a tape player that we can play the national anthem on, and we can turn up the radio in between innings, but that's about it.

For $50 bucks, you add CD player, burn a few CD's and you're there!
Last edited by BigWI

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