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Who is the best high school baseball coach in the United States? Some of the criteria would be winning state titles against tough competition, having a great coaching staff, taking average youth league players and getting them to where they are able to play in college, having a complete offseason program, being a true teacher of the game of baseball & the game of life, and last but not least someone that has the ability to make those people around him become better people.
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I think this is an interesting thread but I am not sure it works unless people tell WHY they know the best high school coach. In that spirit, my son's high school coach gets my vote.

He is not the type of guy that is there to help kids get to the next level. He is a hard-nosed guy that uses baseball to teach life-skills like time management, being on time, being responsible to a team, hard work, discipline, and winning.

He turned the program around many years ago when he cut two boys who had very prominent members on the booster club. Those moves made waves initially but the program was headed in the right direction ever since.

In 2004, he guided the team to its first ever state championship appearance where we lost 6-2 to Cincinnati Moehler (Ken Griffey Jr's, former team) where they had two pitchers who became very high draft choices.

In 2005, every kid graduated from the previous year except one. He guided that team back to the State Semi's (one game shy of the championship) and we lost to Cincinnati Elder who won the state championship the next day.

In 2007, he guided the team to another state championship appearance where they lost a heart breaker 4-2.

Three championship appearances in four years for a public school is a pretty good record imho. The life lessons are invaluable. My son loved playing for him and his college coach ended up being similar in nature.
25 years, over 500 wins, numerous league and section titles, former players have advanced to all levels including HS and college coaches, the big leagues on the field and in the front office.

He communicates well with parents and players. He's honest. His teams are always better at the end of the year than the beginning. He cares more about the person than the player. He volunteers (for free) his time at local clinics for youth and other HS coaches. He fundraises for his own team. He runs a great summer program. He teaches the highest levels of math at his school and watches out for the kids academically. He's ethical almost to a fault.

And he's a really good guy, personally.

Perfect? No. But the best of any HS coach in any sport I've run across.

Bill Hutton, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, California.
Last edited by justbaseball
I'll bite too.

My son's former coach, Jeff Smoot from Strasburg High School in Strasburg, Virginia.


1. Only baseball coach in the history of the program since early 1980's.

2. Has had one losing season, the first one. Since then, they routinely win the District title and have been to VHSL Regionals at least 13 years in a row. One state title 3 years ago.

3. Routinely has teams that perform above their talent level. His players know how to bunt, run bases, field, move runners up, all the little things. Several have gone on to play college ball including my two.

4. His players would run through walls for him-he has their absolute and total respect, with a tiny dose of fear, not a bad thing.

5. Last year, he had two players collide in practice, with one's heart stopping instantly. Coach Smoot performed CPR in the outfield till the Rescue Squad got there. The doctors said he absolutely saved the boy's life.

6. He is so absurdly and wonderfully modest that he won't tell anyone his overall record, although we know he's well over 400 wins, and perhaps 500, and he deflected and avoided all praise that came his way over the mere saving of the young man's life on the field. The boy was back in uniform playing a week later.

If a Hokie says all of this about a UVA man, you just know he's good.

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